
Manage Nelmio Alice fixtures with Doctrine.

1.0.0 2018-11-04 18:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 05:16:01 UTC


This bundle use Nelmio/Alice for fixture generation.

Applications that use Symfony Flex

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute:

$ composer require --dev miaou-corp/fixture-loader-bundle

Applications that don't use Symfony Flex

Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require --dev miaou-corp/fixture-loader-bundle

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), ['dev', 'test'], true)) {
            $bundles[] = new Nelmio\Alice\Bridge\Symfony\NelmioAliceBundle();
            $bundles[] = new MiaouCorp\Bundle\FixtureLoaderBundle\MiaouCorpFixtureLoaderBundle();

    // ...

Step 3: Configure the bundle

# config_test.yml

# Do not use production database !
# SQLite in memory is recommended for tests speed.
        url: 'sqlite:///:memory:'

    # This is where you fixture files are stored.
    directory: /path/to/directory # Default to: '%kernel.project_dir%/tests/Resources/fixtures'

Important note: Each time you load a fixture file, the database schema is drop and rebuilt, so do not use in production...


Inside a WebTestCase:

$client = static::createClient();

// You might want to do this if you do multiple request on a single test
// As kernel is rebooted on each request, so your database and fixtures will be lost.

// Or static::$kernel->getContainer for a KernelTestCase

$client->request('GET', '/some-path');

// To keep some fixture in memory for later use:
// Where "user_1" is the fixture key.
$fixtures = $client->getContainer()->get('miaoucorp.fixture_loader')
    ->loadFile('my-fixture-file.yaml', ['user_1']);
$userId = $fixtures['user_1']->getId();