
:University of Miami - School of Law - Laravel Base

v1.5 2019-06-02 17:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 07:21:15 UTC


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This package is the basis for MiamiLaw Laravel Projects. It provides:


Via Composer

>For local development, add the repository as a local path:

"repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "/path/to/miamilaw_laravel_base"

>Add to composer.json

$ composer require miamilaw/base

>Post installation requirements

$ php artisan make:auth
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Metrogistics\AzureSocialite\ServiceProvider" --force
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MiamiLaw\Base\BaseServiceProvider" --force


Local development using Sqlite

$ touch database/local.sqlite

Edit .env


>Or, setup a preferred database as per the documentation.


Include Service Providers

Add service provider to config/app.php

'providers' => [
    // ...
     * Package Service Providers...
    // ...

Add roles to User

Add the trait Roles to app/User.php

use MiamiLaw\Base\Traits\Roles;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Notifiable, Roles;

Attach a role to new users (Optional)

Add or replace the following in app/Http/Controllers/Auth/RegisterController.php

protected function create(array $data)
    $user = User::create([
        'name' => $data['name'],
        'email' => $data['email'],
        'password' => Hash::make($data['password']),

    // Assign Role (guest for example)
        ->attach(Role::where('name', 'guest')->first());

    return $user;

Role Based Checks

Controller wide add the middleware to constructor along with auth

public function __construct() {

For specific actions

public function myAction(Request $request){
    // Check for admin role
    // ...

>In order for the middleware to work you may need to move \Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class in app/Http/Kernel.php from the application $middlewareGroups to the global $middleware


Run the database migrations

$ php artisan migrate:fresh

>Note if using sqlite make sure to require doctrine/dbal

Add Initial Admin User to .env for seeding


>Make sure to clear the cache

Run the seed data to add basic roles and users

$ php artisan config:cache
$ php artisan db:seed --class=MiamiLaw\\Base\\Database\\Seeds\\DatabaseSeeder

If desirable, to aid in development add the following to database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php

use MiamiLaw\Base\Database\Seeds\DatabaseSeeder as BaseSeeder;

    public function run()

Setting the type of Authentication

Remove the Auth default Routes from routes/web.php

// Auth::routes();

In configuration file config/miamilaw.php' you can set auth to use either 'local' or 'azure'*. Clear the cache

php artisan config:cache

Using Local Authentication

Adding an admin user using the tinker tool (or see section Artisan Commands)

$ php artisan tinker
Psy Shell v0.9.9 (PHP 7.2.17-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 — cli) by Justin Hileman
>>> $user = new User();
>>> $user->name = 'Last name, First Name';
>>> $user->email = '';
>>> $user->password = Hash::make('password');
>>> $user->save();
>>> $role_admin = Role::where('name', 'admin')->first();
>>> $user->roles()->attach($role_admin);
>>> exit

Configure Azure SSO Authentication

Create a new application on Azure Active Directory. See the following article for more details on registering an application. >Quickstart: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform

After registering your application edit .env and add the client and secret keys


>Click here for more information regarding the plugin

Artisan commands

Run artisan to see the options

$ php artisan
  make:miamilaw-crud   Create CRUD for my miamilaw templates
  user:add             Modify a users attributes
  user:delete          Delete a user
  user:list            Get list of all available users
  user:modify          Modify a user's attributes

Generating CRUD

An example of generating CRUD

$ php artisan make:miamilaw-crud Example

Will produce the following items and add an entry to routes/web.php

  • app/Example.php
  • app/Http/Controllers/ExampleController.php
  • database/migrations/########_######_create_examples_table.php
  • resources/views/admin/example/index.blade.php
  • resources/views/admin/example/create.blade.php
  • resources/views/admin/example/edit.blade.php

User utilities

You can list, add, modify, and delete users directly by running one of the following commands

$ php artisan user:list
$ php artisan user:add
$ php artisan user:modify
$ php artisan user:delete


Routes currently provided

| Domain | Method    | URI                                 | Name               | Action                                                     | Middleware      |
|        | POST      | admin/menu                          |         | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@store        | auth,checkadmin |
|        | GET|HEAD  | admin/menu                          | menu.index         | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@index        | auth,checkadmin |
|        | GET|HEAD  | admin/menu/create                   | menu.create        | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@create       | auth,checkadmin |
|        | DELETE    | admin/menu/{menu}                   | menu.destroy       | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@destroy      | auth,checkadmin |
|        | PUT|PATCH | admin/menu/{menu}                   | menu.update        | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@update       | auth,checkadmin |
|        | GET|HEAD  | admin/menu/{menu}/edit              | menu.edit          | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@edit         | auth,checkadmin |
|        | POST      | admin/menu/{menu}/items             |   | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@itemsStore   | auth,checkadmin |
|        | GET|HEAD  | admin/menu/{menu}/items             | menu.items.index   | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@itemsIndex   | auth,checkadmin |
|        | GET|HEAD  | admin/menu/{menu}/items/create      | menu.items.create  | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@itemsCreate  | auth,checkadmin |
|        | PUT|PATCH | admin/menu/{menu}/items/{item}      | menu.items.update  | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@itemsUpdate  | auth,checkadmin |
|        | DELETE    | admin/menu/{menu}/items/{item}      | menu.items.destroy | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@itemsDestroy | auth,checkadmin |
|        | GET|HEAD  | admin/menu/{menu}/items/{item}/edit | menu.items.edit    | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\MenuController@itemsEdit    | auth,checkadmin |
|        | POST      | admin/user                          |         | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\UserController@store        | auth            |
|        | GET|HEAD  | admin/user                          | user.index         | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\UserController@index        | auth            |
|        | GET|HEAD  | admin/user/create                   | user.create        | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\UserController@create       | auth            |
|        | DELETE    | admin/user/{user}                   | user.destroy       | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\UserController@destroy      | auth            |
|        | PUT|PATCH | admin/user/{user}                   | user.update        | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\UserController@update       | auth            |
|        | GET|HEAD  | admin/user/{user}                   |          | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\UserController@show         | auth            |
|        | GET|HEAD  | admin/user/{user}/edit              | user.edit          | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\UserController@edit         | auth            |
|        | GET|HEAD  | login/microsoft                     |                    | Closure                                                    |                 |
|        | GET|HEAD  | login/microsoft/callback            |                    | Closure                                                    |                 |
|        | GET|HEAD  | logout                              |                    | Closure                                                    | web             |
|        | GET|HEAD  | user/profile                        | user.profile       | MiamiLaw\Base\Http\Controllers\UserController@profile      | auth            |

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



license. Please see the license file for more information.