mhuber84 / randomizer
This is a TYPO3 extension. It randomizes content in the database or during an export. It's a wrapper for fzaninotto/faker.
- fakerphp/faker: ^1.23
- typo3/cms-core: ^11.1||^12.4
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.41
- typo3/coding-standards: ^0.6||^0.7
- typo3/tailor: ^1.5
- typo3/testing-framework: ^7.0||^8.0
- typo3-ter/randomizer: 3.5.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-18 16:12:45 UTC
This is a TYPO3 extension. It randomizes content in the database. It's a wrapper for fakerphp/faker.
What does it do?
With this extension you can randomize content in database tables or during an database export.
It's useful to anonymize data on/for development systems. The random values are generated with the fakerphp/faker package.
Randomize in Database
If a configured field in a configured table has a value, the value is overwritten with a random generated value. Empty fields are ignored.
Randomize during export
If a configured field in a configured table has a value, the value is overwritten with a random generated value. By default, only configured tables are exported. But you can export the whole database, too.
Install the extension by using composer: composer req mhuber84/randomizer
. If you want to use the export feature,
you have to install it in production. Else you can add the option --dev
to install it on dev systems only.
It should work with TYPO3 8.6, 9.5 and 10.4.
Configure the tables and fields in your site package ext_localconf.php. or the AdditionalConfiguration.php.
This is an example configuration for the fe_users table.
Available faker providers/formatters are listed at
An additional Array faker provider is \Mhuber84\Randomizer\FakerProviders\ArrayProvider
. It can return a serialzed
and json array. It is used for the field 'uc' in this example.
The tables you want to randomize must have a unique column namend "uid"!
$randomizerSettings = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['randomizer'];
// Database fields to formatter mapping.
$randomizerSettings['faker.']['mapping.']['fe_users.'] = [
//TYPO3 Core fields
'username' => 'userName',
'password' => 'password',
'address' => 'streetAddress',
'telephone' => 'phoneNumber',
'fax' => 'phoneNumber',
'email' => 'safeEmail',
'uc' => 'serialized',
'zip' => 'postcode',
'city' => 'city',
'country' => 'countryCode',
'www' => 'url',
'company' => 'company',
//'image' => '', //TODO
'first_name' => 'firstName',
'last_name' => 'lastName',
'middle_name' => 'firstName',
'felogin_forgotHash' => 'md5',
// List of unique fields. Fields have to be defined in the mapping, too!
$randomizerSettings['faker.']['unique.']['fe_users.'] = [
//TYPO3 Core fields
'username' => true,
// Locale for generated values.
$randomizerSettings['faker.']['locale'] = 'de_DE';
// List of equal fields.
// This has nothing to do with faker, but is useful for fe_users table if username and email are synchronized.
$randomizerSettings['equal.']['fe_users.'] = [
// The field 'email' gets the value of field 'username'.
'email' => 'username',
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['randomizer'] = $randomizerSettings;
Randomize in Database
ATTENTION: By default the database changes are not written to the database! If you really want to randomize the
values in the database, add the --no-dry-run
Run the cli command:
vendor/bin/typo3cms randomizer:randomize
Run vendor/bin/typo3cms randomizer:randomize -h
to see all options.
Randomize during export
Run the cli command:
vendor/bin/typo3cms randomizer:export mydatabase.sql
Run vendor/bin/typo3cms randomizer:export -h
to see all options.
Custom faker providers
Register your provider in your ext_localconf.php:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['randomizer']['faker.']['providers.']['myProvider'] = \Vendor\Namespace\To\MyProvider::class;
Write your provider based on \Faker\Provider\Base
There is an example in \Mhuber84\Randomizer\FakerProviders\ExampleProvider
and \Mhuber84\Randomizer\FakerProviders\ArrayProvider
More informations on custom providers at
Development is done with ddev.
Functional tests
There are two functionial tests for the two commands. You can run them with
ddev functional-tests "^11" "7.4"
ddev functional-tests "^11" "8.1"
ddev functional-tests "^12" "8.1"
ddev functional-tests "^11" "8.2"
ddev functional-tests "^12" "8.2"
Code quality
PHP CS Fixer: ddev exec .Build/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
Many thanks go out to François Zaninotto and his package fzaninotto/faker!
And also thank you for forking the original package and maintainig it after the original package was archived.
Many thanks for the inspiration to this package go out to Georg Ringer and his package georgringer/gdpr!
Marco Huber, @mhuber84,
Feel free to contribute and send in pull requests or create an issue.