
Locale-Aware PHP IMDb Scraper, with a fluent API for searching for Movies and TV Shows, and retrieving detailed information about them.

v2.0.1 2025-02-14 08:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 08:47:44 UTC


A PHP library for scraping movie and TV show data from IMDb with ease. This package provides methods to retrieve detailed information about movies and TV shows using best matches or strict year-based queries, with support for localized searches.


This package is intended for educational and personal use only. Users are responsible for ensuring their use complies with IMDb's Terms of Service and applicable laws. The author does not condone or encourage unauthorized scraping or other activities that violate legal agreements. Please, refer to the IMDb Conditions of Use for more information. It is your responsibility to use this package in compliance with IMDb's Terms of Service.

List of supported locales

  • English (en-US) via en
  • Italian (it-IT) via it
  • Spanish (es-ES) via es
  • French (fr-FR) via fr
  • German (de-DE) via de
  • Portuguese (pt-BR) via pt
  • Indian (hi-IN) via hi


Mfonte IMDb Scraper is a lightweight, object-oriented library to interact with IMDb. It provides functionalities to:

  • Retrieve movie and TV show details by title and year, or IMDb ID, with robust exception handling, with support for multiple locales.
  • Fetch data like plot, actors, genres, ratings, and similar titles.
  • Narrow results using "best match" algorithms or strict filters.

Key features include:

  • Localized searches using the locale option.
  • Built-in caching for optimized performance.
  • v2 tag works from PHP 8.1 onwards. v1 tag Works from PHP 7.3 onwards.


Release tag v1 is compatible with PHP versions 7.3, 7.4 and 8.0 (monolog ^2.0).

Install the package via Composer:

composer require mfonte/imdb-scraper "^1.0"

Release tag v2 is compatible with PHP versions 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 (monolog ^3.0).

Install the package via Composer:

composer require mfonte/imdb-scraper "^2.0"


Basic Example

use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Imdb;
use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Exceptions\NoSearchResults;
use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Exceptions\MultipleSearchResults;

// Create an IMDb scraper instance
$imdb = Imdb::new(['locale' => 'en']);

// Fetch movie details using best match
$movie = $imdb->movie('The Godfather');

// Output some details
echo $movie->title;  // The Godfather
echo $movie->year;   // 1972
echo $movie->plot;   // "The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty transfers control..."

// When using movie(), tvSeries(), movieByYear(), or tvSeriesByYear(), catch exceptions!
try {
    $movie = $imdb->movie('The Godfather');
} catch (NoSearchResults $e) {
    echo 'No results found!';
} catch (MultipleSearchResults $e) {
    echo 'Multiple results found!';

// you can also fetch a Title by its IMDB ID
$item = $imdb->id('tt0068646');
echo $item->title;  // The Godfather

// you can also only search for results
$results = $imdb->search('godfather');

All methods return a Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Title object with the following properties.

The Title Object

The Title object represents detailed information about a movie or TV show fetched using the ImdbScraper library. It encapsulates all key attributes of a title, including metadata, cast, genres, and links to related content.

Properties of the Title Object


The scraper provides various configuration options during initialization:

Example: Setting Options

use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Imdb;

// Enable caching and use Italian locale
$imdb = Imdb::new([
    'cache' => true,
    'locale' => 'it'

// Fetch a localized movie
$movie = $imdb->movie('La ricerca della felicità');
echo $movie->title;  // La ricerca della felicità


Best Match Overview

The movie() and tvSeries() methods find the best match for a given title. The library uses a Levenshtein algorithm to rank results and selects the closest match.

Example with movie()

use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Imdb;

// Fetch the best match for a movie title
$movie = Imdb::new()->movie('godfather');
echo $movie->id;       // tt0068646
echo $movie->title;    // The Godfather
echo $movie->year;     // 1972

By Year Overview

The movieByYear() and tvSeriesByYear() methods perform a strict search for titles matching the specified year. If no exact match is found, the library checks for movies released one year before or after the given year.

Example with movieByYear()

use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Imdb;

// Fetch a movie by title and year
$movie = Imdb::new()->movieByYear('from dusk dawn', 1996);
echo $movie->id;       // tt0116367
echo $movie->title;    // From Dusk Till Dawn
echo $movie->year;     // 1996

Handling Exceptions in movie(), tvSeries(), movieByYear(), and tvSeriesByYear()

The methods movie(), tvSeries(), movieByYear(), and tvSeriesByYear() in the Imdb class throw exceptions when specific conditions are not met during the search:

  1. NoSearchResults Exception:

    • Thrown when no results are found for the provided query.

    • Example:

      use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Imdb;
      use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Exceptions\NoSearchResults;
      $imdb = Imdb::new(['locale' => 'en']);
      try {
          $movie = $imdb->movie('nonexistent title');
      } catch (NoSearchResults $e) {
          echo 'No results found for the query.';
  2. MultipleSearchResults Exception:

    • Thrown when the query returns multiple results but the method cannot narrow them down to a single title.

    • Example:

      use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Imdb;
      use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Exceptions\MultipleSearchResults;
      $imdb = Imdb::new(['locale' => 'en']);
      try {
          $movie = $imdb->movie('godfather');
      } catch (MultipleSearchResults $e) {
          echo 'Multiple results found for the query.';
  3. BadMethodCall Exception:

    • Thrown when invalid input is provided to the id() method or other API methods.

    • Example:

      use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Imdb;
      use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Exceptions\BadMethodCall;
      $imdb = Imdb::new(['locale' => 'en']);
      try {
          $movie = $imdb->id('invalid_id');
      } catch (BadMethodCall $e) {
          echo 'Invalid IMDb ID provided.';

The id() Method

The id() method allows you to fetch detailed information about a movie or TV show using its unique IMDb ID.

use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Imdb;

$imdb = Imdb::new(['locale' => 'en']);

$movie = $imdb->id('tt0110912'); // Pulp Fiction IMDb ID

echo $movie->title;  // Pulp Fiction
echo $movie->year;   // 1994

Key Features:

  • Accepts only valid IMDb IDs in the format tt1234567.
  • Throws a BadMethodCall exception if the input is invalid.

The search() Method

The search() method performs a general search query and returns a Dataset containing SearchResult objects for all matches.

use Mfonte\ImdbScraper\Imdb;

$imdb = Imdb::new(['locale' => 'en']);

$results = $imdb->search('godfather');
foreach ($results as $result) {
    echo $result->title . " (" . $result->year . ")" . PHP_EOL;

Key Features:

  • Returns a Dataset of SearchResult objects.
  • Each SearchResult includes fields like id, title, year, type, and more.

Summary of Exceptions and Methods

With these robust exception-handling mechanisms and versatile methods, the Imdb class offers both flexibility and reliability for your IMDb scraping needs.

Advanced Features


Enable caching for faster repeated lookups. Cache works seamlessly and stores results locally.

$imdb = Imdb::new(['cache' => true]);
$movie = $imdb->movie('Inception');


Retrieve localized movie titles, plots, and other data by setting the locale option.

$imdb = Imdb::new(['locale' => 'it']);
$movie = $imdb->movie('Pursuit Happyness');
echo $movie->title;  // La ricerca della felicità


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.