
Pakage permission

dev-master 2019-05-09 00:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-09 14:41:51 UTC


Simple personal package to handle roles & permissions inside a Laravel app. Compatible with Laravel 5.8.


Via composer:

composer require metko/metkontrol

Deploy the config & migrations file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Metko\Metkontrol\MetkontrolServiceProvider"

And finaly make the migration

php artisan migrate

Optionally, you can specify the firsts roles and permissions you want in the config file. By default, it will use the following ones :

'roles'  =>  ['Member',  'Author',  'Moderator',  'Admin',  'Super Admin'],

'permissions'  =>  ['A permission',  'Second permission',  'third permission'],


Duplicate the seeder class file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Metko\Metkontrol\MetkontrolServiceProvider" --tag="seeds"

Run composer auto-load

composer dump-autoload

And seed!

php artisan db:seed --class=MetkontrolTableSeeder


Just add the traits to the model you want to have role and permissions. (Note that you can use only the Role if you want, but not the opposite).

use Metko\Metkontrol\MetkontrolRole,
	Metko\Metkontrol\MetkontrolCache; // To update the cache when a model instance  is created or updated


Attach a roles to a model

$role = Role::find(1);

$model->attachRole($role); // Role class

// or

$model->attachRole(1); // Role ID

$model->attachRole('Author')  // Role Name or slug

// You can also pass an array

$model->attachRole([$role,  1,  'author']);

// Or a piped string

$model->attachRole("role-name|2|moderator|Super admin");

Remove roles

$role  =  Role::find(1);


// or


$model->removeRole('role name')  // Name or slug

// or

$model->removeRole([$role,  1,  'role name']);


// or

$model->removeRole();  // Will remove all the role

Check if the model has a specific role

$role  =  Role::find(1);


$model->hasRole($role);  // True

// or

$model->hasRole(1);  // True
$model->hasRole("Author");  // True
$model->hasRole("author");  // True

$model->hasRole('wrong role name')  // False

Check if the model has one of the role


Check if the model has all the given role

$model->hasAllRoles([$role, 3, "A new role"]);


Give permissions to a moddel

$permission  =  Permission::find(1);


Like for the role, you can p.ass an ID, a name, a slug, an array of mixed elements (string, model, int) or a piped string

Remove permissions

$model->removePermissionTo('permission name')  // Name or slug

// or

$model->removePermissionTo('permission1 name|permission2 slug');

$model->removePermissionTo([$permission1,  $permission2]);

$model->removePermissionTo(); // Will remove all the permission

Check if it has a specific permission

$model->hasAnyPermission($permission1)  // Return bool


$model->hasPermissionTo($permission1)  // Return bool

If it has one of the permissions

$model->hasAnyPermission("permission1|another-one|4")  // Return bool

If it has all the permission

$model->hasAllPermissions([$permission1, "second-permission"])  // Return bool

You can also check if the model have a specific permission directly from the permission model or the role model

$model->hasDirectPermission($permission1)  // Return bool

$model->hasDirectPermissionViaRole($permission1)  // Return bool


You can use the middleware to check if the user has the given roles

Route::get('/', 'homeController@index')->middleware('hasRole:author');
Route::get('/', 'homeController@index')->middleware('hasRole:author|writer');

Or a permission

Route::get('/', 'homeController@index')->middleware('hasPermission:delete-account');
Route::get('/', 'homeController@index')->middleware('hasPermission:create-news|edit-blog');


You can use blade template to check if the user has a role

// Only author can see it
// Only member can see it

You can use blade template to check if the user has a one of the roles

@hasanyrole('author|3') // you can also pass a array 
// Only author and role with ID to 3 can see it

You can use blade template to check if the user has all the role

@hasallrole('author|3') // you can also pass a array 
// Only author and role with ID to 3 can see it

You can use blade template to check if the user has all the role

@unlessrole(1) // you can also pass a array 
// People without the role 1 can see this line

Or a permission

Route::get('/', 'homeController@index')->middleware('hasPermission:delete-account');
Route::get('/', 'homeController@index')->middleware('hasPermission:create-news|edit-blog');

Or both

Route::get('/', 'homeController@index')->middleware('hasRoleOrPermission:delete-account');
Route::get('/', 'homeController@index')->middleware('hasRoleOrPermission:create-news|Author');


composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.