
A firewall for web applications that wants to blacklist/whitelist IP addresses

v1.1.0 2019-04-14 17:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 06:41:17 UTC


A firewall library that web apps can use ban IP addresses temporarily or for an extended period of time

Sample Use Case

When a user fails an action in your app (e.g., login) for 5 times, this library will lock them temporarily for 15 minutes. After that, they can try again for a maximum of 5 temporary locks. After that, they will be locked for a extended period of 24 hours.


  • 5 fails within a 15-minute period = 15-minute temporary lock
  • 5 temporary locks = 24-hour lock

Note: These settings can be changed


Install via composer as metarush/firewall


  1. Create a database (with PDO support e.g., MySQL, SQLite).

  2. Create tables with these names:

    • tempBan
    • extendedBan
    • whitelist
    • failCount
    • blockCount

    Note: You can use different table names but these are the default names

  3. Each table must have the following fields:

  • ip (STRING with 45 length )
  • dateTime (STRING with 19 length)

Use the appropriate column type for your database flavor. E.g., dateTime will store dates in Y-m-d H:i:s format so use DATETIME column type if your database is MySQL.

Sample create table query for MySQL

CREATE TABLE `tempBan` (
    `ip` VARCHAR(45),
    `dateTime` DATETIME

Usage with default settings

Init library


$builder = (new \MetaRush\Firewall\Builder)

$fw = $builder->build();

Basic usage in your login code

$fw->flushExpired(); // put this on top

if ($fw->banned($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
    exit('Forbidden'); // or redirect somewhere else

if ($_POST['password'] != 'foo') {


    // show your error page
    exit('Invalid login');

} else {

    // release IP from block counters

    // proceed to login...

Custom settings

You can append the following methods upon class initialization:

Table names

If you named your tables differently, let the system know via:


Max fail count before temporary ban


Temporary ban seconds

->setTempBanSeconds(900) // 15 minutes

Max temporary ban before extended ban


Extended ban seconds

->setExtendedBanSeconds(86400) // 1 day

Period wherein failed attempts are counted as candidate for temporary ban

->setFailCountSeconds(900) // 15 minutes

Period wherein temporary locks are counted as candidate for extended ban

->setBlockCountSeconds(86400) // 1 day

Whitelist seconds

->setWhitelistSeconds(2592000) // 30 days

Note: The values displayed in the parameter are their default values. Each of these setter methods have their corresponding getter methods. E.g., getMaxFailCount();

Apply custom settings

$builder = (new \MetaRush\Firewall\Builder)

$fw = $builder->build();

Available methods

You can use the following methods for your custom needs:


Ban $ip temporarily

tempBan(string $ip): void


Ban $ip for an extended period

extendedBan(string $ip): void


Returns true if $ip is banned (temporarily or extended), false otherwise

banned(string $ip): bool


Whitelist $ip so it won't be banned no matter what

whitelist(string $ip): void


Returns true if $ip is whitelisted, false otherwise

whitelisted(string $ip): bool


Temporarily ban $ip if getMaxFailCount() is reached then ban $ip for an extended period if getMaxBlockCount() is reached

preventBruteForce(string $ip): void


Release all IPs that are banned (temp/extended) and whitelisted for more than the set limit

flushExpired(): void

Note: Run this on top of your script or via cron regularly


Release IPs that are temporarily banned regardless of expiration time

flushTempBanned(): void


Release IPs that are banned for an extended period regardless of expiration time

flushExtendedBanned(): void


flushWhitelisted(): void

Release IPs that are whitelisted regardless of expiration time


Release IP in all "block" tables and optionally release in whitelist table

flushIp(string $ip, bool $alsoWhitelistTable = false): void