
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Small and easy form builder

Installs: 24 920

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 13

Watchers: 8

Forks: 10

Open Issues: 0


1.0.1 2016-03-06 20:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-24 15:38:45 UTC


Small and easy form builder. You can store form configuration in form model.

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The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist metalguardian/yii2-form-builder "~1.0"

or add

"metalguardian/yii2-form-builder": "~1.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


First of all you need write form config (you can store it in model class)


namespace app\models;

use metalguardian\formBuilder\ActiveFormBuilder;

class Example extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
     * @return array
    public function getFormConfig()
        return [
            'label' => [
                'type' => ActiveFormBuilder::INPUT_TEXT,
            'content' => [
                'type' => ActiveFormBuilder::INPUT_TEXTAREA,
                'hint' => 'hint about field',
            'type' => [
                'type' => ActiveFormBuilder::INPUT_DROPDOWN_LIST,
                'items' => [1 => 'One', 2 => 'Two'],
                'options' => [
                    'prompt' => 'select',
            'published' => [
                'type' => ActiveFormBuilder::INPUT_CHECKBOX,
            'redactor' => [
                'type' => ActiveFormBuilder::INPUT_WIDGET,
                'widgetClass' => \vova07\imperavi\Widget::className(),
            'raw_data' => [ // need to define attribute `raw_data` in model 
                'type' => ActiveFormBuilder::INPUT_RAW,
                'value' => 'raw html data',

Now in form view you can write something like this:

<?php $form = \metalguardian\formBuilder\ActiveFormBuilder::begin(); ?>

<?= $form->renderForm($model, $model->getFormConfig()) ?>

<div class="form-group">
    <?= Html::submitButton(Yii::t('app', 'Save'), ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?>

<?php \metalguardian\formBuilder\ActiveFormBuilder::end(); ?>

Advanced Usage

You can define configuration of different elements in model


namespace app\helpers;

use metalguardian\formBuilder\ActiveFormBuilder;

class Helper
     * @return array
    public static function getLabelConfig()
        return [
            'type' => ActiveFormBuilder::INPUT_TEXT,
     * @return array
    public static function getContentConfig()
        return [
            'type' => ActiveFormBuilder::INPUT_TEXTAREA,

Now you can use different models in one form

<?php $form = \metalguardian\formBuilder\ActiveFormBuilder::begin(); ?>

<?= $form->renderField($model1, 'label', \app\helpers\Helper::getLabelConfig()); ?>
<?= $form->renderField($model1, 'content', \app\helpers\Helper::getContentConfig()); ?>

<?= $form->renderField($model2, 'label', \app\helpers\Helper::getLabelConfig()); ?>
<?= $form->renderField($model2, 'content', \app\helpers\Helper::getContentConfig()); ?>

<div class="form-group">
    <?= Html::submitButton(Yii::t('app', 'Save'), ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?>

<?php \metalguardian\formBuilder\ActiveFormBuilder::end(); ?>