
A craft 3 starter project

1.0.10 2019-01-25 18:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-26 08:01:55 UTC


This is a forked project of the excellent nystudio107 Craft 3 CMS scaffolding project with my own customisations


Since this is boilerplate that mention uses for projects, it is by definition opinionated, and has a number of assumptions:

  • Local setup is done via the command line
  • Gulp is used as the frontend workflow automation tool
  • NPM or YARN are setup
  • Bootstrap 3 is used for the CSS framework
  • Nginx is used as the web server
  • MAMP Pro is used for the local database with Sequel Pro, so will need editing for other setups
  • nystudio107/craft-scripts are used for database/asset synching and backups
  • nystudio107/craft3-multi-environment is used for the Craft 3 multi-environment setup

Obviously you're free to remove whatever components you don't need/want to use.

Initial setup using mentiondev/craft3-base

This project package works exactly the way Pixel & Tonic's craftcms/craft package works; you create a new project by first creating & installing the project:

composer create-project mentiondev/craft3-base PATH

Make sure that PATH is the path to your project, including the name you want for the project, e.g.:

composer create-project mentiondev/craft3-base PATH

Next go to MAMP Pro and create a new host and point it to the /web folder in the project you created.

Also create a new database and note/copy the name as will be needed in the craft setup. Then click save to restart the local apache and mysql.

Then back in the terminal cd to your new project directory, and run Craft's setup console command to create your .env environments and optionally install:

./craft setup

Next, run the nys-setup command to configure Craft-Scripts & Craft 3 Multi-Environment based on your newly created .env settings:


If you ever delete the vendor folder or such, just re-run:


...and it will re-create the symlink to your

Next edit the .env.gulp.json file to point to local url you've chosen. This is required for browsersync to work.

Finally, in the terminal in the project root type


And browsersync will start the browser, and it's ready to start using.


Login to Craft CMS and got to Settings/Assets and create a New volume with the folder name of your choice

Then set the Base URL to


And the File System Path to


And then copy these to the config/volumes.php file

Cache busting for live sites

This is created using the method described in Simple Static Asset Versioning in Craft CMS

I've included a twig tag called {{ staticAssetsVersion }} which references in the config/general.twig

To use it add

{% if env != 'local' %}.{{ staticAssetsVersion }}{% endif %}

before the filename. For example:

<link href="{{ siteUrl }}css/main{% if env != 'local' %}.{{staticAssetsVersion}}{% endif %}.css" rel="stylesheet">

This will output <link href="http://<siteurl>/css/main.1.css" rel="stylesheet"> on the live site so that it is cached for that version number and <link href="https://<siteurl>/css/main.1546193063.css" rel="stylesheet"> on the staging site, as the staging site uses the time() tag for the Static Assets Version number, so that it is not cached on the development server while changes are regularly being made, as this changes every second.

To bust the cache on the live site, go to the terminal in the project root and type:

gulp build

Which will increase the staticAssetsVersion number by 1

For {{staticAssetsVersion}} to work it the following needs to be added to the nginx config on the server at the top of the file

location ~* (.+)\.(?:\d+)\.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|webp)$ {
  try_files $uri $1.$2;

and restart the server.

This will make the browser not see any num­bers before the sta­t­ic asset file­name exten­sion, and then force the browser to download a new version of the file if the number has been changed, hence, busting the cache.

Again, for a full explanation see Simple Static Asset Versioning in Craft CMS

Database/asset synching via craft-scripts

For full documentation on how to use all of nystudio107/craft-scripts go to: nystudio107/craft-scripts

There are several scripts included in craft-scripts, each of which perform different functions. They all use a shared to function. This should be created on each environment where you wish to run the craft-scripts, and it should be excluded from your git repo via .gitignore.


  • Open up the file into your favorite editor, and replace REPLACE_ME with the appropriate settings.

To pull down a database dump from a remote server type


The script pulls down a database dump from a remote server, and then dumps it into your local database. It backs up your local database before doing the dump.

The db dumps that craft-scripts does will exclude tables that are temporary/cache tables that we don't want in our backups/restores, such as the templatecaches table.

See Database & Asset Syncing Between Environments in Craft CMS for a detailed writeup.

N.B.: The script can be used even if the local and remote are on the same server.

To pull down asset directories from a remote server type


The script pulls down an arbitrary number of asset directories from a remote server, since we keep client-uploadable assets out of the git repo. The directories it will pull down are specified in LOCAL_ASSETS_DIRS

It will also pull down the Craft userphotos and rebrand directories from craft/storage by default. The directories it will pull down are specified in LOCAL_CRAFT_FILE_DIRS

See Database & Asset Syncing Between Environments in Craft CMS for a detailed writeup.

N.B.: The script can be used even if the local and remote are on the same server.

To pull down script pulls down the backups created by craft-scripts from a remote server type


The script pulls down the backups created by craft-scripts from a remote server, and synced into the LOCAL_BACKUPS_PATH

For database backups, a sub-directory REMOTE_DB_NAME/db inside the REMOTE_BACKUPS_PATH directory is used for the database backups.

For asset backups, a sub-directory REMOTE_DB_NAME/assets inside the REMOTE_BACKUPS_PATH directory is used for the asset backups.

Because rsync is used for these backups, you can put a .rsync-filter in any directory to define files/folders to ignore. More info

See Mitigating Disaster via Website Backups for a detailed writeup.

For more information on how to use them and the other options it has go to nystudio107/craft-scripts