
Implementing Categories system for Laravel's Eloquent models.

dev-main 2023-09-16 09:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 23:42:47 UTC


Categorist is a laravel package designed to handle hierarchical categorization for various models within your application. It allows you to organize your data into categories and provides an easy-to-use interface to perform operations like adding, editing, and querying categories.


Add the package to your Laravel app via Composer:

composer require melsaka/categorist

Register the package's service provider in config/app.php.

'providers' => [

Run the migrations to add the required table to your database:

php artisan migrate

Add Categorized trait to the model that you want categorize:

use Melsaka\Categorist\Categorized;

class Post extends Model
    use Categorized;
    // ...   


To configure the package, publish its configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=categorist

You can then modify the configuration file to change the categories table name if you want, default: categories.


Adding a New Category

You can add a new category for a specific model, such as Post, by using the Category::add() method. If a category with the same slug and type already exists, it will be returned instead. Here's an example:

use Melsaka\Categorist\Models\Category;

$data = [
    'name' => 'Foo',
    'slug' => 'foo',
    'children' => [
            'name' => 'Bar',
            'slug' => 'bar',
            'children' => [
                    'name' => 'Baz',
                    'slug' => 'baz',

$category = Category::add(Post::class, $data);

If you don't want the existed record to be returned:

$category = Category::add(Post::class, $data, false); // will throw duplicate entry error if record exists 

Retrieving Models Related to a Category

You can retrieve all models related to a specific category using the categorized() method:

$posts = $category->categorized();

Checking if a Category is Newly Added

You can check whether a category is newly added or if it already existed and was returned using the isNew() method:

$isNew = Category::isNew($category);

Editing a Category

To edit a category, use the Category::edit() method. Pass the category instance and an array of data to update:

use Melsaka\Categorist\Models\Category;

$data = [
    'name' => 'New Category Name',

Category::edit($category, $data);

Removing a Category

You can remove a category using the Category::remove() method. Pass either a category instance or its ID:


Synchronizing Categories with a Model

To synchronize categories with a model, you can use the Category::syncWith() method. This associates a category with a model:

Category::syncWith($post, $category);

Checking if a Model has a Category

You can check whether a model has a specific category using the Category::has() method:

$hasCategory = Category::has($post, $category);

Listing Categories

To list all categories of a specific type, you can use the Category::list() method:

$categories = Category::list(Post::class);

Retrieving a Category Tree

To retrieve a hierarchical list of all categories for a specific type, you can use the Category::treeList() method:

$categoryTree = Category::treeList(Post::class);

Working with Model Relationships

You can retrieve categories associated with a model using Eloquent relationships. For example, to retrieve categories for a Post model:

$postWithcategories = Post::with('categories')->get();

// or retrieve only the categories

$postCategories = $post->categories;

$postCategories = Category::ofThis($post);

$firstCategory = $post->firstCategory();

To retrieve the parent categories of a model, you can use the parentCategories() method:

$parentCategories = $post->parentCategories();

To retrieve a hierarchical list of categories associated with a model, you can use the treeCategories() method:

$treeCategories = $post->treeCategories();

You can retrieve a list of category names associated with a model using the categoriesList() method:

$categoryNames = $post->categoriesList();

You can attach, detach, or sync multiple categories to a model using the following methods:

// Attach categories to a model

// Detach categories from a model

// Sync categories with a model

// Check if a model has specific categories
$post->hasCategories($cat, $category);

// Check if a model has all of the specified categories
$post->hasAllCategories($cat, $category);

Additional Methods

You can also retrieve related data using additional methods:

// Retrieve all models related to a category
$posts = $category->categorized()->get();

// Retrieve the parent of a category
$parent = Category::with('parent')->get();

// Retrieve the children of a category
$children = Category::with('children')->get();

// Retrieve the ancestors of a category
$ancestors = Category::with('ancestors')->get();

// Retrieve the descendants of a category
$descendants = Category::with('descendants')->get();

Note: Check Nested Sets package for more methods and details.


This package is released under the MIT license (MIT).