
A project to manage Restfull Api's responses

v1.0.1 2021-06-08 14:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-08 21:38:08 UTC


Project to manage Restfull Api's response

Maintainer Source Code PHP from Packagist Latest Version Software License Build Quality Score Total Downloads

Rest Response is an easy and optimized small library to manage your HTTP responses on your Api's RestFull

Rest Response é uma pequena biblioteca fácil e otimizada para gerenciar suas respostas HTTP nas suas Api's RestFull


  • Simple installation (Instalação simples)
  • Optimized responses to major HTTP response codes (Respostas otimizadas para os principais códigos de resposta HTTP)
  • Easy way to customize response for HTTP Response Code not implemented in the library (Uma maneira fácil de personalizar a resposta para o código de resposta HTTP não implementado na biblioteca)
  • Composer ready and PSR-2 compliant (Pronto para o composer e compatível com PSR-2)


Uploader is available via Composer:

"melquespaiva/rest-response": "^1.0"

or run

composer require melquespaiva/rest-response


For details on how to use, see a sample folder in the component directory.

Para mais detalhes sobre como usar, veja uma pasta de exemplo no diretório do componente.


require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

$response = new Response();

// call response statusCode 200
$data = [
    "user" => [
        "name" => "Melques",
        "last_name" => "Paiva",
        "document" => "123456456"                

$response->successful("The request was finish with success", $data);

// call response statusCode 204

// call response other to other statusCode, but still a successfull response
$success = new Success();
    ->setData(["user" => "Melques Paiva"])
    ->setMessage("A generic message")

echo $response->successfullResponse($success);

// call response with statusCode 400
$response->badRequest("The data passed to this request is not valid", "parameter_if_necessary");

// call response with statusCode 401
    "You don't have authorization or you aren't authenticate to access this method",

// call response with statusCode 403
    "The server understood the request, but you can't receive a succesfull response"

// call response with statusCode 404
$response->notFound("No information founded", "parameter_if_necessary");

// call response with statusCode 405
    "The method with you trying to access this method is not allowed",

// call response with statusCode 500
$response->internalError("Some errors occurred on the server side");

// call response with statusCode 501
$response->methodNotImplemented("This method still isn't impelemented");

// call response on a other statusCode error
$error = new Error();
    ->setMessage("Payment Required")

echo $response->errorResponse($error)



Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Security: If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

Se você descobrir algum problema relacionado à segurança, envie um e-mail para em vez de usar o rastreador de problemas.

Thank you



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.