
Meiosis API Library for PHP

v0.5.1 2021-03-18 16:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-19 00:17:40 UTC


This package will handle integration with the Petri API Services


composer require meiosis-io/amino

Common Concepts

The Meiosis\Amino class methods will all return instances that extend Meiosis\CRMObject. These objects interact with their respective API endpoints, and should return items that extend Meiosis\Models\BaseModel. For example, to fetch a list of Pages out of the content management system that have a name that contains the text "Press Release", our code might look like this:

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$pages = $amino
        'name' => 'Press Release'

In this case, $pages is now an array whose items are instances of the Meiosis\Models\Page object. Any attributes on these objects are directly available:

// Show a list of the our page names:
foreach ($pages as $page) {
    echo $page->name;

CRMObject Methods

The following methods are available on any object that extends the Meiosis\Endpoints\CRMObject class, such as the objects returned by the methods on the Meiosis\Amino class.


Given an identifier, the find method will return exactly one object that extends Meiosis\Models\BaseModel


Given an array of search parameters in the format ['key' => 'value'], the search method will return an array of objects that extend Meiosis\Models\BaseModel


The blueprint method will return a new instance of the appropriate implementation of Meiosis\Models\BaseModel. For example, a new empty customer would look like:

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$newCustomer = $amino->customers()->blueprint();


Passing the save method an implementation of the corresponding Meiosis\Models\BaseModel will create a new object if it does not yet exist, or will update an existing object. A shortcut to this method exists on each BaseModel object, via it's own internal ->save() method. For example, the following two blocks achieve the same thing:

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$customer = $amino->customers()->find($customerID);
// Save the customer
$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$customer = $amino->customers()->find($customerID);
// Save the customer


Given an identifier, deletes the record from the system.


Build the payload needed for the APIClient. This method is mostly used internally, but is publicly available.

BaseModel Methods

The following methods are available on any object that extends the Meiosis\Models\BaseModel class, such as the objects returned by the classes in Meiosis\Endpoints


The static getNativeFields() method will return the $native array on each BaseModel. This is used when building new methods, or when you want to combine native attributes with custom attributes.


Populates the object instance with data from the $data array.


Converts the object into an array, extracting the underlying $data array


Creates or updates the object and repopulated it with any new fields (id, timestamps, etc)


Reloads the object, fetching fresh data from the api

Common Exceptions

  • Meiosis\Exceptions\ObjectNotFoundException - The API returned a 404 / Not Found error.
  • Meiosis\Exceptions\InvalidEndpointException - A malformed request was sent and the endpoint couldn't be guessed. Check your supplied parameters.
  • Meiosis\Exceptions\ObjectNotPopulatedException - The SDK tried to save changes to an object, but that object was not populated
  • Meiosis\Exceptions\ObjectValidationFailedException - A 422 error was encountered from the API, meanined that arguments supplied are invalid.
  • Meiosis\Exceptions\UseOtherMethodException - The API endpoint does not support the method you are trying to use (for example, updating an existing transaction).
  • Meiosis\Exceptions\UnknownApiException - A 500 error was encountered talking with the API. You should try your request again.


You'll need to initialize a new instance of the Amino class, giving it an API token and Team ID

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);

If you want to ensure that your server is able to reach the api properly, you can call the remote test function:

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
return $amino->remoteTest();


To work with customers, call the customers() method on the Amino class. Models returned are instances of the Meiosis\Models\Customer class.

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$customers = $amino->customers();

Additional Methods

Aside from the methos mentioned on CRMObject Methods, the following methods also exist:

->trackInteraction($customer, $source, $description, $priority)

Given a Meiosis\Models\Customer object ($customer), this method will record an interaction from the source $source, with the description $description, with a default $priority of 5.


To work with orgnaizations, call the organizations() method on the Amino class. Models returned are instances of the Meiosis\Models\Organization class.

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$organizations = $amino->organizations();


To work with transactions, call the transactions() method on the Amino class. Models returned are instances of the Meiosis\Models\Transaction class.

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$transactions = $amino->transactions();

Special Cases


Transactions are not searchable. This method will throw a Meiosis\Exceptions\InvalidEndpointException Exception.


While new transactions can be saved, existing transactions can not. Transactions can not be updated once recorded, but can be voided.

Content Management - Sites

To work with sites, call the sites() method on the Amino class. Models returned are instances of the Meiosis\Models\Site class.

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$sites = $amino->sites();

Content Management - Pages

To work with pages, call the pages() method on the Amino class, passing in a site token / ID. Models returned are instances of the Meiosis\Models\Page class.

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$siteToken = '12345-12345-123-12345';
$pages = $amino->pages($siteToken);

Additional Methods

Aside from the methos mentioned on CRMObject Methods, the following methods also exist:


The getHierarchy method accepts an optional $pageID parameter. Without a $pageID, it will return an array of simple Meiosis\Models\Page objects, with their children, starting at the root level of the page hierarchy. If passing a $pageID, the returned array will have the matching page as the only root page.


Given a $slug, the bySlug method will return an array of pages that match the given slug. The slug should be as specific as possible, including parents as well. For example, a page with the slug my-page that is a child of a about-us page could be found with: ->bySlug('about-us/my-page');


The setSiteToken method can be used to change which site the class is using.

Content Management - Page Types

To work with Page Types, call the pageTypes() method on the Amino class, passing in a site token / ID. Models returned are instances of the Meiosis\Models\PageType class.

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$siteToken = '12345-12345-123-12345';
$pageTypes = $amino->pageTypes($siteToken);

Additional Methods

Aside from the methos mentioned on CRMObject Methods, the following methods also exist:


The setSiteToken method can be used to change which site the class is using.

Content Management - Page Attributes

To work with Page Attributes, call the pageAttributes() method on the Amino class, passing in a page type ID. Models returned are instances of the Meiosis\Models\PageAttribute class.

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$siteToken = '54321-54321-543-54321';
$pageType = '12345-12345-123-12345';
$pageAttributes = $amino->pageAttributes($siteToken, $pageType);

Additional Methods

Aside from the methos mentioned on CRMObject Methods, the following methods also exist:


Returns an array of all PageAttributes for the page type.

Practical Examples

Create a new Customer and track an interaction

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);

$customer = $amino->customers()->blueprint();

$customer->first = "John";
$customer->last  = "Doe";
$customer->email = "";

$amino->customers()->trackInteraction($customer, 'My Site', 'Filled out a form');

Record a transaction

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);
$customer = $amino->customers()->find('');

// Create a transaction Object
$transaction = $amino->transactions()->blueprint();

// Alternatively, you can instantate a new transaction directly.
// You'll need to pass it an instance of the CRMTransaction endpoint
// in order to use it's ->save() method.
// $transaction = new Meiosis\Models\Transaction([], $amino->transactions());

// Attach the customer
$transaction->customer = $customer;

// Create an item
$item = new Meiosis\Models\TransactionItem();
$item->price = 5.00;
$item->quantity = 2.25;

// Add the item to the transaction

// Save the transaction

Get pages based on custom attributes

Assuming that a custom page attribute has been created with the key attr_category, we will find all pages in the category 'news':

$amino = new Meiosis\Amino($token, $team);

$siteID = '12345-123-123-12345';
$pages = $amino->pages($siteID)->search([
    'attr_category' => 'news'