
PHP library for laravel to add automated/conventional routes with versioning

1.0.2 2019-10-07 12:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 01:05:25 UTC


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PHP library for laravel to add automated/conventional routes with versioning.

This package help developers and teams to have versioning URI base on project structure, and no need to write new line of code for new route.

This package is configable for example you can change template of controller names and ....

If you have index method in version 1 of PostController and you call /api/v1/post so router call index method of version 1 immidately, but if call /api/v2/post what happen?

you have 3 choice:

  1. move all codes from version 1 to version 2!

  2. add new route for /api/v2/post that point to version 1!

  3. in your application you use different version of api base on active version of it! you have know multiple active api version, you should support all, you should remember or check every day! where which version is in use and .....

So to fix this problem/need I develop this package. VRoute for /api/v2/post check version 2 of PostController and if it has not this method automatically switch to one version.

Maybe you ask this process is heavy and may make performance problem, yes but I add good caching system to it and we process only one time.

Benefit case and samples

  1. Simplification and less code

    Before using VRoute you may have something like this:

    Route::namespace('Admin')->prefix('admin')->group(function () {
        Route::namespace('V1')->prefix('v1')->group(function () {
            Route::post('users/login', 'UserAPIController@login');
            Route::post('users/refresh-token', 'UserAPIController@refreshToken');
            Route::post('users/forget-password', 'UserAPIController@forgetPassword');
            Route::post('users/register', 'UserAPIController@register');
            Route::resource('faqs', 'FaqAPIController');
            Route::get('settings/check-version', 'SettingAPIController@checkVersion');
            Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth:api'], function () {
                Route::post('users/logout', 'UserAPIController@logout');
                Route::get('users/show', 'UserAPIController@show');
                Route::put('users/notification-toggle', 'UserAPIController@toggleStatusNotification');
                Route::get('users/channels', 'UserTaggingAPIController@channels');
                /** ---------------------- ACL middleware  ---------------------- */
                Route::middleware(['acl'])->group(function () {
                    Route::get('scores/totals', 'ScoreAPIController@totals');
                    Route::resource('posts', 'PostAPIController');
    Route::namespace('Client')->prefix('client')->group(function () {
        Route::namespace('V1')->prefix('v1')->group(function () {
            Route::post('users/login', 'UserAPIController@login');
            Route::post('users/refresh-token', 'UserAPIController@refreshToken');
            Route::post('users/forget-password', 'UserAPIController@forgetPassword');
            Route::post('users/register', 'UserAPIController@register');
            Route::resource('faqs', 'FaqAPIController');
            Route::get('settings/check-version', 'SettingAPIController@checkVersion');
            Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth:api'], function () {
                Route::post('users/logout', 'UserAPIController@logout');
                Route::get('users/show', 'UserAPIController@show');
                Route::put('users/notification-toggle', 'UserAPIController@toggleStatusNotification');
                Route::get('users/channels', 'UserTaggingAPIController@channels');
                /** ---------------------- ACL middleware  ---------------------- */
                Route::middleware(['acl'])->group(function () {
                    Route::get('scores/totals', 'ScoreAPIController@totals');
                    Route::resource('posts', 'PostAPIController');
        Route::namespace('V2')->prefix('v2')->group(function () {
            Route::post('users/login', 'UserAPIController@login');
            Route::post('users/refresh-token', 'UserAPIController@refreshToken');
            Route::post('users/forget-password', 'UserAPIController@forgetPassword');
            Route::post('users/register', 'UserAPIController@register');
            Route::resource('faqs', 'FaqAPIController');
            Route::get('settings/check-version', 'SettingAPIController@checkVersion');
            Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth:api'], function () {
                Route::get('users/channels', 'UserTaggingAPIController@channels');
                /** ---------------------- ACL middleware  ---------------------- */
                Route::middleware(['acl'])->group(function () {
                    Route::resource('posts', 'PostAPIController');

    And after use VRoute it would be:

    VRoute::setMiddleware('UserAPIController', 'POSTLogout', ['auth:api']);
    VRoute::setMiddleware('UserAPIController', 'GETShow', ['auth:api']);
    VRoute::setMiddleware('UserTaggingAPIController', 'PUTNotificationToggle', ['auth:api']);
    VRoute::setMiddleware('UserAPIController', 'GETChannels', ['auth:api']);
    VRoute::setMiddleware('ScoreAPIController', 'GETTotals', ['auth:api', 'acl']);
    VRoute::setMiddleware('PostAPIController', null, ['auth:api', 'acl']); //work for all versions
  2. Procedural unity

  3. Team conventions

  4. More redable code in controller

    Before use Vroute:

    class UserAPIController extends AppBaseController
        // some codes .....
        public function notification(): JsonResponse
            //some codes

    After use VRoute:

    class UserAPIController extends AppBaseController
        // some codes .....
        public function PUTNotification(): JsonResponse
            //some codes

System requirements

Tested with >=7.1, following binaries need to be installed


composer require mehrdad-dadkhah/laravel-vroute


Put this code in your route file (for example routes/api.php)

use MehrdadDadkhah\VRoute;


That's it!

If you have sub-directory in you project, for example admin/client and .... should make them available for VRoute:


How to set a middleware?

You can set middleware in 8 layers or ways!

  1. Set for controller in all version and directory

  2. Set for controller in specific directory (for example only for PostController in admin sub-dir)

  3. Set for controller in specific version (for example only for PostController in v2)

  4. Set for controller in specific directory and version (for example only for PostController in admin sub-dir and only version 1)

  5. Set for controller and specific action(method) (for example only for PostController and GETProfile action)

  6. Set for controller and specific action(method) in specific version (for example only for PostController and GETProfile action in V2)

  7. Set for controller and specific action(method) in specific directory (for example only for PostController and GETProfile action in admin sub-dir)

  8. Set for controller and specific action(method) in specific directory and version (for example only for PostController and GETProfile action in V2 and admin)

What about you set all 8 kind of middleware for one controller?

From top to bottom, if match the route, all middlewares will be merged.

For example we set:

  1. web1 middleware for PostController (without specify directory and version)

  2. web2 middleware for PostController for admin directory (without specify version)

  3. web3 middleware for PostController for v1 version (without specify directory)

  4. web4 middleware for PostController for admin directory and v1 version

Now we call /api/admin/v1/post, so all of the middlewares (web1,web2,web3,web4) will be fire

But If call /api/admin/post, only web1 and ```web2`` will be fire

Now, how to set it (middleware)?

First case (set for controller in all version and directory):

VRoute::setMiddleware('PostAPIController', null, ['web1']);

Second case (set for controller in specific directory):

VRoute::setMiddleware('PostAPIController', null, ['web2'], 'admin');

Third case (set for controller in specific version):

VRoute::setMiddleware('PostAPIController', null, ['web3'], null, 'v1');

Fourth case (set for controller in specific directory and version):

VRoute::setMiddleware('PostAPIController', null, ['web4'], 'admin', 'v1');

Second argument is action/method name

All of this can repeat for action case when set second param. for example:

VRoute::setMiddleware('PostAPIController', 'GETDetail', ['web1']);

and so on ...

Use VRoute methods and write your own specific route

You can get all data you need from VRoute functions:






For example:

$request = request();

Route::get('/post', VRoute::getNamspace($request).'@'.VRoute::getAction($request))->name('post-index');


  1. All controller methods(actions) name should be with {HTTPMETHOD}{ActionName} template for example if you want have profile method that get user profile data, should name it GETProfile. this convention add to force action about it's method, force methods to response to only one type of http call method and make controller more readable.

To Do

  • Cache found routes
  • Add clean cache command
  • Add VRoute:cache command to iterate on controllers and cache all routes
  • Response cache feature


laravel-vroute is licensed under the GPLv3 License.