
upload chunks file. use to upload big files

1.4.3 2018-01-29 10:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 19:13:41 UTC


Software License Packagist Version Packagist

Uploader to uplaod chunks of a file and combine them use to upload big files.


composer require mehrdad-dadkhah/chunks-uploader


use MehrdadDadkhah\Video\ChunksUploader;

$uploadHandeler = new ChunksUploader();
$uploadHandeler->setMainFileName('myFile.mp4') //main file name
            ->setFileTotalSize($_REQUEST['totalfilesize']) //size of main file (big file)
            ->setInputName('file') //your form input file name
            ->setChunksFolderPath('path-to-chunks-folder') //path to folder for upload chunks files
            ->setUniqueIdentifier('unique-id'); // set unique identifier for each upload (for example user id + time or ...) a unique indentifier per each upload

to upload your chunks:

$uploadResult = $uploadHandeler->uploadChunk('name-of-chunk-or-chunk-number'); //should be a sortable name

And when all chunks upload:

$uploadResult = $uploadHandeler->setUploadDirectory('path-to-upload-directory') //main directry path to upload (combine chunks here)

Custome file name

If want to set output file name try use setUploadName() function before fire finishUpload() function:


If don't set name your file name be with structur YYYY_m_d_hashname.mp4 and in final resutl generated name will be return.

Check and generate output directory

If want to script make output directory automatically just set it:


Temp directory

If want to generate file in a temp directory and then move to main upload directory you can use setTempDirectory() function:


Max upload size

ChunksUploader calculate uploaded file size (sum of chunks) and compare with upload_max_filesize ini config. If want to stop bigger file at first request for better ux can pass total main file size in bytes:


And can overwrite upload_max_filesize by:



hls-video-generater is licensed under the GPLv3 License.