
Receive custom/plain SQS messages in Laravel

2.4.0 2022-02-15 18:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-20 22:04:50 UTC


Allows to receive custom/plain SQS messages in Laravel. This is very useful if you have to work with third party messages not dispatched from Laravel.

You receive the plain message content in the constructor of your handler classes. You may specify your own handler class for each queue.

This package is based on the mehr-it/lara-sqs-ext package and implements most of it's features.


composer require mehr-it/lara-sqs-plain

This package uses Laravel's package auto-discovery, so the service provider will be loaded automatically.

Queue configuration

Just configure a queue connection as you would configure any other SQS queue in Laravel. The only difference is the message_handler option, which must be the name of the class which should handle the messages:

'sqs-plain-conn' => [
	'driver'          => 'sqs-plain',
	'key'             => '112233445566778899',
	'secret'          => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
	'prefix'          => '',
	'queue'           => 'msgs',
	'region'          => 'eu-central-1',
	'message_handler' => 'App\\Job\\MyPlainHandler',

Long polling

To enable long polling, you may add the option message_wait_timeout to the queue configuration. This sets the WaitTimeSeconds parameter to the configured amount of time.

'message_wait_timeout' => 20,

Message handlers

To create a handler for SQS messages, simply extend the SqsPlainMessageHandler class. The handle function will be invoked for each message and the raw message body will be available in the message attribute:

class MyPlainHandler extends SqsPlainMessageHandler {
	public function handle() {
		$rawMessage = $this->message;

The InteractsWithQueue and InteractsWithSqsQueue trait is already implemented in the base class, so you can interact with the queue.

Message handlers my define the same properties as common jobs, to control the job workers. This includes tries, timeout, timeoutAt, automaticQueueVisibility, automaticQueueVisibilityExtra or the retryUntil method.


Thanks to Jussi Hamalainen who wrote the jusahah/laravel-sqs-jobless package which served as guideline for this package.