
With this TYPO3 extension you are able to count views of ext:news records. You can display a list with most viewed news and delete the statistics automatically with a scheduler task.

Installs: 1 844

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 3

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v3.0.0 2024-02-28 11:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-28 12:11:33 UTC


TYPO3 Extension md_news_clickcount

With this extension you are able, to count views/clicks of ext:news-records. Additionally it integrates a new option in the plugin of ext:news to show records ordered by views. On top there is a scheduler task for automatically reset all counts.


  • TYPO3 11.5 || 12.4
  • ext:news >= 9.2


  • Install the extension by using the extension manager or use composer (composer req mediadreams/md_news_clickcount)
  • Include the static TypoScript of the extension


Count views

  • In the news detail view template add the following code:
    {md:getCountImg(newsUid: '{newsItem.uid}', pageUid: '{}')}
    Make sure, that you import the namespace to the ViewHelper by adding the following line at the top of the template: {namespace md=Mediadreams\MdNewsClickcount\ViewHelpers}

Show most read news

  • Insert the plugin News system of ext:news on a page
  • In Settings tab select List view (without overloading detail view) in the What to display dropdown
  • Select Views in the Sort by dropdown
  • Select a Sort direction (Descending will show the most viewed articles first)
  • Save and close

Spam prevention

In the extension settings, you are able to set daysForNextCount, which adds an IP check. So multiple views of the same IP address in the given timespan (days) will be counted just once.

By default this functionality is disabled (daysForNextCount = 0)


If you have set daysForNextCount to something higher than 0, please make sure, that you activate the scheduler task mdNewsClickcount:cleanupLogCommand of type Execute console commands in order to meet the GDPR requirements! This will clean up the log.

Clear views

  • Add a scheduler task of type Execute console commands
  • Select mdNewsClickcount:clearViewsCommand in Schedulable Command dropdown

Bugs and Known Issues

If you find a bug, it would be nice if you add an issue on Github.


Thanks a lot to all who make this outstanding TYPO3 project possible!
