
Media24 Laravel utilities

v2.0.5 2024-03-20 09:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 11:22:47 UTC


A collection of utilities we use in almost all projects.

Build Status


Use the 1.* version for Laravel 5.* / 6.*


composer require media24si/utilities

List of utilities

  1. Utilities
    1. Api Paginator
    2. Sorter
  2. Scopes
    1. WhereWhen
    2. ApiPaginate
  3. Rules
    1. CsvIn



An extension of the Laravel LengthAwarePaginator with a custom transformed response.

Example usage:

$model->where('foo', 'bar')->orderBy('foo', 'desc');
$results = ApiPaginator::create($model, 15);

An example of the response (with toArray() called on the returned paginator object):

    'data' => ['item3', 'item4'],
    'pagination' => [
        'total' => 6,
        'per_page' => 2,
        'current_page' => 2,
        'last_page' => 3,
        'next_page_url' => '/?page=3',
        'prev_page_url' => '/?page=1',
        'from' => 3,
        'to' => 4


A Rule for validation and trait with a scope. Primarily used to enable easy sorting in API endpoints.

Example usage:

Sorting is determined through the use of the ‘sort’ (for example) query string parameter. The value of this parameter is a comma-separated list of sort keys. The default sort direction is asc, but can optionally be changed to desc by prefixing any key with "-".

  • /api/posts?sort=views
  • /api/posts?sort=-views
  • /api/posts?sort=comments,-views
// Model
class Post extends Model {
    use \Media24si\Utilities\Scopes\Sorter;

// Controller action
public function index(Request $request) {
    $request->validate(['sort' => new \Media24si\Utilities\Rules\Sorter(['views', 'comments'])]);

    $posts = \App\Post::sorter($request->input('sort', ''))->get();



WhereWhen scope trait is an extension to the when method

// same as
$model->when(request('foo'), function($query) {
  return $query->where('foo', request('foo'));

$model->whereWhen('foo', 'bar');
// same as
$model->when(request('bar'), function($query) {
  return $query->where('foo', request('bar'));

$model->whereWhen('foo', 'bar', '<');
// same as
$model->when(request('bar'), function($query) {
  return $query->where('foo', '<', request('bar'));

$model->whereWhen('foo', 'bar', null, new Request(['bar' => 'foo']));
// same as
$model->when($request->input('bar'), function($query) {
  return $query->where('foo', $request->input('bar'));


The apiPaginate scope trait can be used to call the ApiPaginator on a builder instance

$model->where('foo', 'bar')->orderBy('foo', 'desc')->apiPaginate(15);
Same as previously
$model->where('foo', 'bar')->orderBy('foo', 'desc');
$model = ApiPaginator::create($model, 15);
Trait usage

To use this scope in your model, simply include it as you would any other trait.

class MyModel extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
    use \Media24si\Utilities\Scopes\ApiPaginate;



A rule for validating if a sent csv value string exists within a given set of values. All sent csv values have to exist inside the provided set of values.

  • /api/orders?source=android,ios
  'source' => new Media24si\Utilities\Rules\CsvIn(['web', 'android', 'ios', 'winphone'])
  • /api/orders?source=android,ios,otherval
  'source' => new Media24si\Utilities\Rules\CsvIn(['web', 'android', 'ios', 'winphone'])