
v1.11.1 2023-09-05 14:54 UTC


Basic Laravel API client, Eloquent styled.



Require package

composer require mdelariva/api-model

And publish the configuration for Provider: MdelaRiva\ApiModel\Providers\ServiceProvider

php artisan vendor:publish


Clone repository

git clone

And publish the configuration for Provider: MdelaRiva\ApiModel\Providers\ServiceProvider

php artisan vendor:publish


1- Fill the configuration in .env and/or config/apimodel.php

2- Extend your model from MdelaRiva\ApiModel\ApiModelAbstract


namespace App\Models;

use MdelaRiva\ApiModel\ApiModelAbstract;

class Article extends ApiModelAbstract


3- Use your model in your controller like you were using Eloquent


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\Article;

class ArticleController extends Controller
	public function index()
		// Find item
		$article = Article::find( 1 );
		$article = Article::findOrFail( 1 );
		// Update item
		$article->status = 2;
		// Create item
		$article = new Article();
		$article->status = 2;
		// Delete item
		Article::destroy( 1 );
		// Full List
		$articleList = Article::all();
		// Query List
		$articleList = Article::where( 'status', 2 )->orderBy( 'status' )->get();
		// Single item
		$article = Article::where( 'status', 2 )->orderBy( 'status', 'desc' )->first();
		// Query object
		$articleQuery = Article::query();
		$articleList = $articleQuery::where( 'status', 2 )->get();



Options available in config/apimodel.php

defaultAPIMODEL_CONNECTIONYstringKey of the connections option list, to use as default connection. If you use the protected connection property in your model, you will override the connection for that model only.
connections-YarrayList of connections (single or grouped) available (see list of options below).

Single connection options

driver-YstringTranslator between remote API and query methods. Default: \MdelaRiva\ApiModel\Drivers\Basic::class.
connector-YstringAPI client connector. Default: \MdelaRiva\ApiModel\Connectors\Connector::class.
persist_type-YstringAuthentication saving persistent type. Options available: cache, session . Default: cache.
urlAPIMODEL_HOSTYstringRemote API base url. Example:
versionAPIMODEL_VERSIONNstringRemote API version. If filled, it will be appended to url. Examples: v1.2, 3.2, api.
authorization-YarrayAuthorization. See description and options above.
verifyAPIMODEL_VERIFYNbool|stringSSL certificate verification behavior of a request. Set to TRUE to enable SSL certificate verification and use the default CA bundle provided by operating system. Set to FALSE to disable certificate verification (this is insecure!). Set to a string to provide the path to a CA bundle to enable verification using a custom certificate.
allow_redirects-NboolDescribes the redirect behavior of a request. Set to TRUE to enable normal redirects with a maximum number of 5 redirects. Default: FALSE
debug-NboolSet to TRUE to enable debug output. Default: FALSE.
wrappers-NarrayWrappers. List of properties for collection responses.
wrappers.collection.root-NstringWrappers. Name of the property that wraps the collection. Default: data. Name of the property that wraps the amount of total results, inside the pagination information object. Default:
cache-NarrayCache. List of cache properties.
cache.enabled-NboolCache. Global flag to enable/disable cache. Default: null.
cache.path-YstringCache. Cache store path. Default: storage_path( 'framework/cache/data/apimodel/' )
cache.ttl-NintCache. Time, in seconds, that an object will be stored in a cache. Default: 86400.
throttler-NarrayThrottler. List of Throttler properties.
throttler.throw_exception-NboolThrottler. If too many request are made, return FALSE or throw a ThrottleRequestsException exception. Default: FALSE.
throttler.limits-NarrayThrottler. List of rate limits elements (see list of options below).
timeout-NintConnection timeout (in seconds).
logging-NarrayLogging. List of logging properties.
logging.enabled-NboolLogging. Flag to enable/disable connection logging. Default: false.
logging.type-NstringLogging. Logging types. Options available: requests, cache. If empty, logs all types.


Option.envRequiredTypeAuth type relatedDescription
type-Ystring-Authorization type. See available options above.
oauth_endpoint--stringoauth_2Oauth endpoint. Default: oauth/token.
oauth_base64header--booloauth_2 Set to TRUE to send the Token in the Authorization header instead of the request body. Default: FALSE.
401_refresh_token--booloauth_2 Set to TRUE to automatically refresh the access token when the server returns a 401 error. Default: FALSE.
credentials--array-List of credentials.
credentials.client_idAPIMODEL_CLIENT_IDYstringoauth_2Client ID.
credentials.client_secretAPIMODEL_CLIENT_SECRETYstringoauth_2Client secret.
credentials.query-Yarrayapi_key_queryArray of credentials key => value sent via query.
credentials.headers-Yarrayapi_key_headerArray of credentials key => value sent via headers.
credentials.token-Ystringbearer_token Bearer Token.
credentials.username-Ystringbasic_auth Username for login.
credentials.password-Ystringbasic_auth Password for login.
Authorization Types
no_authNo Auth. No parameters sent. The credentials option is not necessary.
api_key_queryAPI Key. Parameters sent via query.
api_key_headerAPI Key. Parameters sent via headers.
bearer_tokenBearer Token. Token is sent as Bearer in the Authorization header.
basic_authBasic Auth. Username and password is sent as a Base64 encoded string in the Authorization header.
oauth_2OAuth 2.0. Credentials are sent to config oauth_endpoint endpoint to require a Token, to be use as Bearer in the Authorization header. All the properties that are defined in the credentials option (besides client_id and client_secret) will be sent in the request body, to allow authorization customization (e.g. grant_type, scope).

For more information about authorization types, see Postman documentation.

Throttler limit element

max_attemptsYintAmount of attemps allowed.
decay_secondsYintAmount of seconds the attemps are allowed.


Log files are saved in a logs folder inside the storage directory with the following file name pattern: apimodel-{conection_name}.log.

Every request logged has the method used, URL, query parameters, and the type of log.

There are 2 types of logs:

  • requests: Logs direct API requests made.
  • cache: Logs cached API requests.

Grouped connections options

You can define a grouped connection that will rotate through a list of single connections. If a model has a grouped connection set, it will use a single conection every instance is created.

connectionsYarrayList of single connections names.

Example of configuration:


return [

	'default' => env('APIMODEL_CONNECTION', 'default'),

   'connections' => [
        'connection_1' => [
            'url' => '',
        'connection_2' => [
            'url' => '',
        'connection_3' => [
            'url' => '',
        'grouped_connection' => [
        	   'connections' => [


Query builder driver

This class includes the methods to use as query builder, and define the parameters that will be sent in the request to the API. As long as you build a driver that extends from MdelaRiva\ApiModel\Drivers\QueryInterface, feel free to write your own driver.

Basic (default)


Namespace: MdelaRiva\ApiModel\Drivers\Basic

- Methods allowed

Query methodAPI Parameter sent

- where

This method allows you to use several operators, that will be translated into a code that will be appended to the parameter name, and the remote API should understand.

OperatorCode appendedNote
like_ctValue must match %(.*)%
like_prValue must match %(.*)
like_apValue must match (.*)%


Article::where( 'status', '>=', 2 )
	->where( 'name', 'like', 'example%' )
	->whereIn( 'section', [3,4] )
	->orderBy( 'status', 'asc' )

API call parameters: status_ge=2&name_ap=example&section[]=3&section[]=4&orderBy=status&orderByDir=asc.

Twitter - Tweets Search


Namespace: MdelaRiva\ApiModel\Drivers\Twitter\TweetsSearch

- Methods allowed

Query methodAPI Parameter sent
maxResults maxResults
bucket bucket
tag tag
fromDate fromDate
toDate toDate
next next
tag tag

- where

This methods builds the query parameter.

The $operator parameter is not taking into account, and the $field parameter is the Twitter operator (Full list). Unlike the Basic driver, the $value must be string.


TweetsSearch::where( 'lang', 'pt' )
	->where( 'query', 'Twitter Dev' )
	->fromDate( new \DateTime( '2016-04-22' ) )
	->groupBy( 'day' )
	->limit( 10 )

API call parameters: query=Twitter Dev lang:pt&fromDate=201604220000&bucket=day&maxResults=10.

Pre-built drivers

Twitter - Tweets Search

Youtube Data API - Channel

Youtube Data API - Search


The enabled key in config/apimodel.php is a global flag to enable/disable cache. If TRUE, it will store all GET requests response. If FALSE, it won't store any response. If null, it will depend on each request or model configuration.

Driver used: file


- Query

For storing an specific query (global flag must be TRUE or null), and refreshing it:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\Article;

class ArticleController extends Controller
	public function index()
		// Cache using default configuration
		$articleQuery = Article::cacheQuery();
		$articleList = $articleQuery::where( 'status', 2 )->orderBy( 'status' )->get();
		// Query inline
		$articleQuery = Article::cacheQuery()->where( 'status', 2 )->orderBy( 'status' )->get();
		// Cache using specific TTL (30 seconds)
		$articleQuery = Article::cacheQuery( FALSE, 30 );
		$articleList = $articleQuery::where( 'status', 2 )->orderBy( 'status' )->get();
		// Make request, refreshing cache
		$articleQuery = Article::cacheQuery( TRUE );
		$articleList = $articleQuery::where( 'status', 2 )->orderBy( 'status' )->get();


- Flush

Flush by model


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\Article;

class ArticleController extends Controller
	public function index()
		// Flush all Article cache


Methods available

This is a list of the methods that execute a call to the connection:

  • all
  • call
  • get
  • find
  • findOrFail
  • first
  • firstOrNew
  • pagination
  • delete
  • destroy
  • save


- Pagination

Define the amount of items returned when pagination.


namespace App\Models;

use MdelaRiva\ApiModel\ApiModelAbstract;

class Article extends ApiModelAbstract
    protected $perPage = 20;

- Connection

The protected $connection property (string) must match a key in the connection array in the apimodel configuration file described above.


namespace App\Models;

use MdelaRiva\ApiModel\ApiModelAbstract;

class Article extends ApiModelAbstract
	protected $connection = 'twitter';

- Endpoint

If your model name can't match the API endpoint, you can define it manually:


namespace App\Models;

use MdelaRiva\ApiModel\ApiModelAbstract;

class SomeEndpoint extends ApiModelAbstract
	protected $endpoint = 'endpoint';

- Driver

Set the driver manually (this will overwrite the apimodel file configuration):


namespace App\Models;

use MdelaRiva\ApiModel\ApiModelAbstract;

class SomeEndpoint extends ApiModelAbstract
	protected $driver = \MdelaRiva\ApiModel\Drivers\Youtube\Channel::class;

- Custom calls

You can make your own methods for custom calls:


namespace App\Models;

use MdelaRiva\ApiModel\ApiModelAbstract;

class Article extends ApiModelAbstract
	public static function test( $params )
       return self::call( [ 'test' ], 'POST', $params );

- Cache

For storing all GET requests done by a model (global cache flag must be TRUE or null), and/or the TTL (in seconds):


namespace App\Models;

use MdelaRiva\ApiModel\ApiModelAbstract;

class Article extends ApiModelAbstract
	public $cache = TRUE;
	protected $cacheTtl = 30;

Pre-built models

Twitter - User

Youtube Data API - Channel

Youtube Data API - Search


Twitter integration

- Configuration


return [

	'default' => env('APIMODEL_CONNECTION', 'default'),

   'connections' => [

		'twitter' => [
			'url' => '',
			'version' => '1.1',
			'credentials' => [
				'useAuthorizationHeader' => TRUE,
				'grant_type' => 'client_credentials',
				'client_id' => env( 'APIMODEL_CLIENT_ID' ),
				'client_secret' => env( 'APIMODEL_CLIENT_SECRET' ),
			'wrappers' => [
				'collection' => [
					'root' => 'results',



- Model

Using manual calls:


namespace App\Models;

use MdelaRiva\ApiModel\ApiModelAbstract;

class Twitter extends ApiModelAbstract
    protected $connection = 'twitter';

    public function __construct( array $attributes = array() )
        parent::__construct( $attributes );
        $this->setEndpoint( '' );

    public static function tweetsSearch( $query, $fromDate = null, $maxResults = 10 )
        $parameters = [
            'query' => $query,
            'maxResults' => $maxResults,
            'fromDate' => $fromDate,

        return self::call( [ 'tweets/search/30day/testing.json' ], 'GET', $parameters );


Using pre-built models:


namespace App\Models;

use MdelaRiva\ApiModel\Models\Twitter\User as TwitterUser;

class User extends TwitterUser
	protected $connection = 'twitter';