
Laravel Helper Package for DRY Breadcrumbs

v1.0.0 2019-05-08 18:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 16:31:24 UTC


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Installation and Configuration

Breadcrumbs is a simple plugin for Laravel to DRY up your breadcrumb routes and names. Start by installing it through Composer.

composer require mcordingley/breadcrumbs

The package automatically registers its service provider and facade, so the only remaining step is to publish the configuration and sample breadcrumb definition file.

php artisan vendor:publish

This will create config/breadcrumbs.php and resources/breadcrumbs.json. If you are using the default settings, there is no need to alter the configuration file or create new entries in your .env file.

The JSON file contains your individual breadcrumb entries, with the routes as keys. Each entry must have a title attribute and if the page belongs under another page then it should also have a parent attribute with the route of the parent page. The library uses this to recursively find previous breadcrumbs from the current page.

If an entry in the JSON file contains the pattern {foo}, the text is replaced by a property foo that you pass into the breadcrumb when making it. This pattern also supports dotted notation to pull nested properties.

By default, the breadcrumbs are formatted for use with Bootstrap. If you require a different format, set BREADCRUMBS_VIEW in your .env file with the name of whatever view you wish to use instead.


Within your views, simply call make on the Breadcrumb facade with your crumb path and optionally any parameters required to format the path and title. As the output is a string and will contain HTML, you will want to use the unescaped {!! !!} tags to output your crumbs. All values injected into the output should already be escaped by the template view.

{!! Breadcrumb::make('/foo/{}/edit', ['foo' => ['id' => 4, 'name' => 'Four']) !!}