
A lightweight PHP client providing a consistent way to find hosted and self-hosted git repositories (github, gitlab,...)

v0.7.0 2024-03-23 10:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-23 10:45:45 UTC



CI Coverage Status


A lightweight PHP client providing a consistent access to hosted and self-hosted git repositories (github, gitlab, gogs and gitea).

Use cases

Note that a small set of features is prefered here to a rich API integration to allow homogenous access to remote hosting services.

The original development has been realized in mborne/satis-gitlab repository to generate a config file referencing git repositories.

This module is also used by mborne/git-manager to backup and analyse git repositories (for example that following files are present : README.md, LICENSE,...)


  • List repositories from multiple GIT hosting services filtering by
    • usernames
    • organizations/groups
  • Get raw files from repositories
  • Apply custom filter
    • Project contains a given file (RequiredFileFilter)
    • Project is a composer project (ComposerProjectFilter)
    • Project name doesn't match a given regexp (IgnoreRegexpFilter)


Supported GIT hosting services

Type Description
gitlab-v4 gitlab.com and self hosted gitlab instances
github github.com
gogs-v1 Gogs or Gitea


Create a client

// configure client
$clientOptions = new ClientOptions();

// create client
$client = ClientFactory::createClient(
    new NullLogger()

Filter by usernames or orgs/groups

$options = new FindOptions();
// Use '_me_' on github to include private repositories
$projects = $client->find($options);

Filter according to composer.json

$options = new FindOptions();
$filter = new ComposerProjectFilter($client);
$projects = $client->find($options);

Compose filters

$options = new FindOptions();

$filterCollection = new FilterCollection();

// filter according to composer.json
$composerFilter = new ComposerProjectFilter($client);

// filter according to README.md
$filterCollection->addFilter(new RequiredFileFilter(

$projects = $client->find($options);





  • Configure access token for github.com and gitlab.com APIs (optional) :
# see https://github.com/settings/tokens
export GITHUB_TOKEN=AnyGithubToken
# see https://gitlab.com/-/profile/personal_access_tokens
export GITLAB_TOKEN=AnyGitlabToken
  • Install dependencies and run tests :
make test
# Alternative :
# composer install
# vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist

Note that an HTML coverage report is generated to output/coverage/index.html