
Laravel 5 Generators / Scaffolding from Database.

dev-master 2015-12-10 17:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 21:06:57 UTC


Laragen is a tool for code generation for Laravel 5.

This tool can generate the following components:

  • Migration file (+ pivot migration)
  • Model
  • Repository
  • Controller
  • Database Seeder
  • Views (CRUD + Forms)
  • Form Request
  • Language Resource

It can also scaffold all components at once, and you can also generate your components from a database schema.


  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Generator Commands
    1. Migrations
    2. Models
    3. Repositories
    4. Controllers
    5. Database Seeders
    7. Form Requests
    8. Language Resources
    9. Scaffolding


In order to install Laragen, just add

"mayconbordin/laragen": "dev-master"

to your composer.json. Then run composer install or composer update.

Then in your config/app.php add


in the providers array.


To publish the configuration for this package execute php artisan vendor:publish and a generator.php file will be created in your app/config directory.

The configuration file contains the default path for each type of component, i.e. where the generated components will be save, as well as the namespace to be used for some of the components (e.g. models and controllers).

Generator Commands


php artisan generate:migration [options] [<name>]

The migration generator can create migrations in two ways: by informing the name of the migration (and optionally the fields option) or by using a database connection to generate the migrations for all tables (or some of them, if desired).

Migration Name

Depending on the keywork used in the name of the migration, a different template will be used for generating the migration. From the migration name the generator will also deduce the name of the table.

  • create or make (create_users_table): migration for creating a new table.
  • add, append, update or insert (add_user_id_to_posts_table): add a new column to an existing table.
  • remove or delete (remove_user_id_from_posts_table): remove an existing column from a table.
  • destroy or drop (drop_users_table): drop an existing table.


  • --fields[=FIELDS]: The fields of the migration, separated by comma(,).
  • --action: The name of the action: create, create_simple, add, delete or drop. Overwrites the action parsed from the migration name.
  • -c, --connection: The database connection to use. Default: database.default from the configuration.
  • -t, --tables[=TABLES]: A list of tables you wish to generate migrations for, separated by a comma: users,posts,comments.
  • -i, --ignore[=IGNORE]: A list of tables you wish to ignore, separated by a comma: users,posts,comments.
  • --default-index-names: If provided, won't use the index names from the database for migrations.
  • --default-fk-names: If provided, won't use the foreign key names from the database for migrations.

Fields syntax

The fields of a migration are declared as a comma-separated list of key:value:option pairs, where the key is the name of the field, the value is the column type, and the option can describe column column modifiers, such as nullable, unique and unsigned. Examples:

  • --fields="username:string:unique, email:string:unique"
  • --fields="age:integer, yob:date"
  • --fields="name:string:default('John Doe'), bio:text:nullable"
  • --fields="username:string(30):unique, age:integer:nullable:default(18)"
  • --fields="username:string, user_type_id:integer:unsigned:nullable:foreign"


Create a posts table:

php artisan generate:migration create_posts_table --fields="title:string, body:text"

Delete the posts table:

php artisan generate:migration drop_posts_table

Delete only the body column:

php artisan generate:migration remove_body_from_posts_table --fields="body:text"

Create migrations for all tables in the mysql database connection:

php artisan generate:migration --connection=mysql

Pivot Table Migration

php artisan generate:pivot [options] <table_one> <table_two>


  • -t, --timestamp: Add timestamp to migration schema.


php artisan generate:model [options] <name>


  • --fields[=FIELDS]: The fields of the model, separated by comma(,). The syntax is the same as that of migrations and can be used to generate validation rules.
  • --fillable: Comma-separated list of field names that are fillable.
  • --table-name: In case the name of the table differs from that of the model.


php artisan generate:repository [options] <name>

Create a new repository based on reloquent, the model that it represents will be infered from the name (e.g. UserRepository will refer to the User model).


php artisan generate:controller [options] <name>

Create a new controller with the given <name> (e.g. UserController). By default, the controller created has no methods, for more options see below.


  • -r, --resource: Will generate a resource controller, i.e. with CRUD methods (the methods have no logic).
  • -s, --scaffold: Will generate a scaffolding controller, i.e. with CRUD methods and logic.
  • --repository: Same as an scaffolding controller, but using a repository for data manipuation instead of Eloquent models.

Database Seeders

php artisan generate:seed [options] <name>


  • -m, --master: Will generate the master database seeder.


php artisan generate:view [options] <name>

Create a new view file with the name <name>.blade.php.


  • -e, --extends: The name of view layout being used. Default: layouts.master.
  • -s, --section: The name of section being used. Default: content.
  • -c, --content: The view content.
  • -t, --template: The path of view template. Inform it to use a custom template.
  • -m, --master: Create a master view.
  • -p, --plain: Create a blank view.

Form Request

php artisan generate:request [options] <name>


  • -r, --rules: List of rules for validation. Example: name:string|max(255)|required, age:integer|required, email:unique(users;email_address)|required.
  • --fields[=FIELDS]: The fields for creating the rules. Separated with comma (,).
  • -s, --scaffold: Determine whether the request class generated with scaffold.
  • -a, --auth: Determine whether the request class needs authorized.

Language Resources

php artisan generate:lang [options] <name>

Create a new language resource with the given <name>.


  • -l, --languages: The list of languages (comma-separated) in which the resource will be created. Default: en.
  • -t, --translations: List of translations to be included in the resource file. Example: "test1=\'test one\', test2=\'teste two\'".


php artisan generate:scaffold [options] <name>

Create all the above components for the entity with the given <name>.


  • --fields[=FIELDS]: The fields of the entity, separated by comma(,).
  • --prefix: The prefix for the view path, routes and controller class(es).
  • -c, --connection: The database connection to use. Default: database.default from the configuration.
  • -t, --tables[=TABLES]: A list of tables you wish to generate migrations for, separated by a comma: users,posts,comments.
  • -i, --ignore[=IGNORE]: A list of tables you wish to ignore, separated by a comma: users,posts,comments.
  • --default-index-names: If provided, won't use the index names from the database for migrations.
  • --default-fk-names: If provided, won't use the foreign key names from the database for migrations.
  • -l, --languages: The list of languages (comma-separated) in which the resource will be created. Default: en.
  • --no-question: Don't ask any question.
  • --repository: Generate the repository classes and controllers that use the repositories.