
Symfony-like voters system to check row based access.

0.2 2017-05-16 06:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 10:30:53 UTC


Latest Stable Version License

This package provide Symfony Security Voters like system, which allow you to check object-based access.

Using examples

Check, is current user can edit specific Post:

is_granted('edit', $post) // return true or false
// or using Facade
Access::isGranted('edit', $post)

Check, is specific user can read or write specific Post info:

is_granted(['read', 'write'], $post, $user) // return true or false
// or using Facade
Access::isGranted(['read', 'write'], $post, $user)


Require dependency using composer:

composer require maximkou/laravel-simple-voters ^0.1

Add service provider to your config/app.php:

'providers' => [

Add facade alias to your config/app.php (optional):

'aliases' => [
    'Access' => Maximkou\SimpleVoters\Facades\Access::class,

Publish package config (optional):

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Maximkou\SimpleVoters\SimpleVotersServiceProvider"


// file config/voters.php
 * Available out of the box strategies: affirmative, unanimous, consensus.
 * You can use custom voting strategy by registering service with name 'simple_voters.strategies.{strategy_name}'
'strategy' => 'unanimous',

 * If pro and contra votes count is equal, or all voters abstain, used this value
'is_granted_by_default' => true,

 * List of Voter classes.
'voters' => [
    // put here your voters classes

Creating Voter

Voter must implement Maximkou\SimpleVoters\Contracts\Voter or extend Maximkou\SimpleVoters\AbstractVoter class. Then add your voter to config.


class PostVoter extends AbstractVoter
    protected function supports($action, $object)
        return in_array('action', ['edit', 'remove']) && $object instanceOf Post;
    protected function isGranted($action, $object, $user)
        $checker = "can".ucfirst($action);
        return $this->$checker($object, $user);
    private function canEdit($object, $user)
        return $object->user_id = $user->id;
    private function canRemove($object, $user)
        return $object->user_id = $user->id;

Using in non-laravel context

For using in non-laravel context, you only must create custom AuthenticatedUserResolver, for resolving current user instance.


use Maximkou\SimpleVoters\Services\Access;
use Maximkou\SimpleVoters\GrantStrategies;

$accessChecker = new Access(
    new GrantStrategies\Affirmative($listVoters), // choose voting strategy
    new MyAuthUserResolver() // pass your user resolver

$accessChecker->isGranted('action', $object); // true/false?


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.