
0.1.1 2024-05-05 08:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-05 16:22:25 UTC


Coverage Status


Docker Image

The image is used to run tests.

The simpliest method to build image and run container:

docker compose up -d

Build an image:

docker build -f .docker/Dockerfile -t maxie-systems/web-lib-dev:latest .

Run a new container in background:

docker run -di --name web-lib-dev -v .:/usr/src/app --restart unless-stopped maxie-systems/web-lib-dev

Enter the container:

docker exec -it web-lib-dev sh

Run the Composer inside the container once it's created:

composer install

From now on you can run all tests using this command inside the Container:

composer test:all

Or you can use a new container every time you want to run tests:

docker run -it --rm -v .:/usr/src/app web-lib-dev composer test-all

Run only unit tests for all test cases and generate HTML-report:

composer test:coverage-report

Run only unit tests for certain files or directories (filename\dirname is required):

composer test --unit <FileName-or-DirName>

Check your code against the PSR-12 coding standard:

composer test:cs <src/FileName.php>

Fix your code:

composer fix-psr12 <src/FileName.php>