
Plugin which allows to add custom links to Roundcube.

1.0.0 2023-12-14 08:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-14 09:27:11 UTC


Roundcube plugin for adding custom links to your Roundcube instance.


To use this plugin in your roundcube instance, you can use one of the following installation methods:

Using composer

Using composer, you can install the plugin using the following command, which needs to be executing with the roundcube root directory:

composer require matthiaslohr/custom-links

For more information on the composer package, please check

Manual Install

To manually install this plugin, please download the source code and extract it to plugins/custom_links.


The plugin can add an arbitrary number of additional links to the taskbar. For this, the configuration variable custom_links_taskbar must be set to a list of associative arrays as shown below. Following attributes can be set:

  • label: The label of the link to be displayed (will not be translated).
  • href: The target where the link points to.
  • target: The target frame of the link (_blank for a new window/tab, _self for the open in the current).
  • fontawesomeIcon: Add a fontawesome icon.

Example configuration

$config['custom_links_taskbar'] = array(array(
    "label" => "Visit",
    "href" => "",
    "target" => "_blank",
    "fontawesomeIcon" => "fas fa-external-link-alt"


This project is published under the GNU GPLv3 License.

Copyright (c) 2021-2023 by Matthias Lohr <>