
Schedule Console Commands in Code

2.1.0 2025-02-28 07:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 07:09:29 UTC


This package adds the ability to schedule console commands directly from code.


While you may write a cron configuration entry for each task you need to schedule on your server, this can quickly become a pain, because your task schedule is not recorded to source control and you must SSH into your server to view your existing cron entries, add additional entries or change the schedule.

This package will allow you to:

  1. Define only one command in crontab and the rest will be handled in code.
  2. Use intuitive and readable fluent syntax to define the frequency.
  3. Log all executed commands to a dedicated console-scheduler-{date}.log file, along with any output the command may generate and the exit code.


  1. Include the package:
composer require matfish/craft-console-scheduler
  1. Install the plugin:
php craft plugin/install console-scheduler

Initial Setup

Add the following line to your crontab

* * * * * /var/www/my-site/php craft console-scheduler/schedule >> /dev/null 2>&1

This will ensure the scheduler runs every minute, and checks for due commands to run. It is recommended to set the frequency according to the highest frequency your project requires. E.g if the most frequent command you have runs hourly, there is no need to call the scheduler every minute, and you can use 0 * * * * instead


  1. Create a config/console-scheduler.php file
  2. Add schedules according to the following example:
return [
    'schedules' => static function (\matfish\ConsoleScheduler\Schedule\SchedulesCollection $schedule) {
        $schedule->command('activity-logs/logs/prune --days=30 --interactive=0')->monthly();

Supported frequencies:

  • everyMinute()
  • everyTwoMinutes()
  • everyThreeMinutes()
  • everyFourMinutes()
  • everyFiveMinutes()
  • everyTenMinutes()
  • everyFifteenMinutes()
  • everyThirtyMinutes()
  • hourly()
  • hourlyAt($time)
  • everyOddHour()
  • everyTwoHours()
  • everyThreeHours()
  • everyFourHours()
  • everySixHours()
  • daily()
  • dailyAt($time)
  • twiceDaily($hour1 = 1,$hour2 = 13)
  • twiceDailyAt($hour1 = 1,$hour2 = 13, $offset = 0)
  • weekdays()
  • weedends()
  • days($day1,$day2, $day3, etc) - specific days of week
  • sundays()
  • mondays()
  • tuesdays()
  • wednesdays()
  • thrusdays()
  • fridays()
  • satrudays()
  • weekly()
  • weeklyOn($dayOfWeek, $time = '0:0')
  • monthly()
  • monthlyOn($dayOfMonth, $time)
  • twiceMonthly($firstDay = 1, $secondDay = 16, $time = '0:0')
  • lastDayOfMonth($time = '0:0')
  • quarterly()
  • quarterlyOn($dayOfQuarter = 1, $time = '0:0')
  • yearly()
  • yearlyOn($month = 1, $dayOfMonth = 1, $time = '0:0')

Methods without a specified time can be followed by an at method using fluent syntax.

If you need more control you can also use the raw cron method to define your own frequency, e.g:

$schedule->command('my/cool/command')->cron('*/5 * 3 7 4'); // Every 5 minutes, on day 3 of the month, and on Thursday, only in July


When CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT=dev you can pass a --test option to the scheduler (in Y-m-d H:i format), to mimic a time which is not the present, and make sure the commands run as expected. E.g:

php craft console-scheduler/schedule --test="2024-01-26 19:05" 

The --test option will be ignored in any other environment.


You can try Console Scheduler in a development environment for as long as you like. Once your site goes live, you are required to purchase a license for the plugin. License is purchasable through the Craft Plugin Store.

For more information, see Craft's Commercial Plugin Licensing.


This plugin requires Craft CMS 4.0.0 or later.


This package is heavily inspired by Laravel's Task Scheduling feature.

Contribution Guidelines

Community is at the heart of open-source projects. We are always happy to receive constructive feedback from users to incrementally improve the product and/or the documentation.

Below are a few simple rules that are designed to facilitate interactions and prevent misunderstandings:

Please only open a new issue for bug reports. For feature requests and questions open a new Discussion instead, and precede [FR] to the title.

If you wish to endorse an existing FR please just vote the OP up, while refraining from +1 replies.