marty / mcfly
Marty McFly - Back to the Future to write your Symfony fixtures
- php: 8.*
- doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle: 3.*
- fakerphp/faker: 1.*
Marty MacFly - Back to the Future to write your Symfony fixtures Marty MacFly allows you to quickly and easily create fixtures to simplify development and testing for Symfony.
Main features
PHP 8.0+ and Composer are required.
composer req --dev Marty/McFly
You need to create a fixture file per entity and extend Marty\McFly\Fixture
instead of Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\Fixture
<?php // src/DataFixtures/CompanyFixtures.php namespace App\DataFixtures; use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager; use Marty\McFly\Fixture; class CompanyFixtures extends Fixture { public function load(ObjectManager $manager): void { // $product = new Product(); // $manager->persist($product); $manager->flush(); } }
By adding Marty\McFly\Fixture
, you must adhere to the Marty\McFly\Interface\CreateInterface
interface and add a generate()
⚠️ The
function was renamed togenerate()
between v1 and v2 to avoid breaking changes. Thecreate()
function is still compatible but it is recommended to migrate togenerate()
to benefit from the new features.
<?php // src/DataFixtures/CompanyFixtures.php namespace App\DataFixtures; use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager; use Marty\McFly\Fixture; class CompanyFixtures extends Fixture { public function load(ObjectManager $manager): void { // $this->generate(); $manager->flush(); } public function generate(?array $properties = null, array|string|null $references = null): object { // TODO: Implement generate() method. throw new \RuntimeException("The generate() method is not implemented."); } }
Configure your template (generate()
is a factory, work with Reflection without setters or _construct)
<?php // src/DataFixtures/CompanyFixtures.php namespace App\DataFixtures; use App\Entity\Company; use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager; use Marty\McFly\Fixture; class CompanyFixtures extends Fixture { public function load(ObjectManager $manager): void { // Create a random Company, persist it (for database), and automatically add a reference to use it in other fixtures. $this->generate(); // Create 10 randoms Companies to "Paris" (Since 2.0) $this->generateMany(10, [ 'city' => 'Paris', 'postalCode' => '75000' ]); // Finally, flush to the database $manager->flush(); } public function generate(?array $properties = null, array|string|null $references = null): object { return $this->createAndSave(Company::class, $properties, [ 'name' => self::$faker->company(), 'address' => self::$faker->address(), 'city' => self::$faker->city(), 'postalCode' => self::$faker->postcode(), ], $references ); } }
Configure your template : The alternative style (using setter if you have) :
<?php // src/DataFixtures/CompanyFixtures.php namespace App\DataFixtures; use App\Entity\Company; use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager; use Marty\McFly\Fixture; class CompanyFixtures extends Fixture { public function load(ObjectManager $manager): void { // Create a random Company, persist it (for database), and automatically add a reference to use it in other fixtures. $this->generate(); // Alternative : Create 10 randoms Companies to "Paris" with setter for ($i=0 ; $i<10 ; $i++) { $this->generate() ->setCity('Paris') ->setPostalCode('75000'); } // Finally, flush to the database $manager->flush(); } public function generate(?array $properties = null, array|string|null $references = null): object { $company = (new Company()) ->setName(self::getFaker()->company()) ->setAddress(self::getFaker()->address()) ->setCity(self::getFaker()->city()) ->setPostalCode(self::getFaker()->postcode()); $this->save($company, $references); return $company; } }
Create a random entity
<?php // ... class CompanyFixtures extends Fixture { public function load(ObjectManager $manager): void { // Create a random Company $this->generate(); // Finally, flush to the database $manager->flush(); } // ... generate() definition }
Creating an entity by setting only the necessary properties (recommandation style).
<?php // ... class CompanyFixtures extends Fixture { public function load(ObjectManager $manager): void { // Create a random Company to "Paris" $this->generate([ 'city' => 'Paris', 'postalCode' => '75000', ]); // Finally, flush to the database $manager->flush(); } // ... generate() definition }
Creating an entity by setting only the necessary properties (alternative style).
⚠️ With this syntax, the entity is create and change after.
<?php // ... class CompanyFixtures extends Fixture { public function load(ObjectManager $manager): void { // Create a random Company to "Paris" $this->generate() ->setCity('Paris') ->setPostalCode('75000'); // Finally, flush to the database $manager->flush(); } // ... generate() definition }
Create multiple entities while customizing certain properties.
<?php // ... class CompanyFixtures extends Fixture { public function load(ObjectManager $manager): void { // Create 10 random Company to "Paris" $this->generateMany(10, [ 'city' => 'Paris', 'postalCode' => '75000', ]); // Finally, flush to the database $manager->flush(); } // ... generate() definition }
Create multiple entities while customizing certain properties with random values for each element.
<?php // ... class CompanyFixtures extends Fixture { public function load(ObjectManager $manager): void { // Create 10 random Company to "Paris" $this->generateMany(10, function() { return [ 'city' => 'Paris', 'postalCode' => self::$faker->randomElement(['75000', '75100', '75200']), ]; }); // Finally, flush to the database $manager->flush(); } // ... generate() definition }
Create multiple entities while customizing certain properties (alternative.
<?php // ... class CompanyFixtures extends Fixture { public function load(ObjectManager $manager): void { // Create 10 random Company to "Paris" for ($i=0 ; $i<10 ; $i++) { $this->generate() ->setCity('Hill Valley') ; } // Finally, flush to the database $manager->flush(); } // ... generate() definition }
<?php namespace App\DataFixtures; use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\DependentFixtureInterface; use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager; use Marty\McFly\Fixture; use App\Entity\Company; class UserFixture extends Fixture implements DependentFixtureInterface { public function load(ObjectManager $manager): void { // Use this function to loop through all companies and create users for them. /** @var array<Company> $companies */ $companies = $this->getReferencesByClass(Company::class); // Need a random company? Use this method. /** @var Company $company */ $company = $this->getRandomReferenceByClass(Company::class); } public function create(string|array $references = null): User { // You can also use it in the template to add a default random company. /** @var Company $company */ $company = $this->getRandomReferenceByClass(Company::class); // .. } public function getDependencies(): array { return [ CompanyFixture::class, ]; } }
References, counter, enum an random values
<?php // -- class InvoiceFixture extends Fixture implements DependentFixtureInterface { // -- public function generate(?array $properties = null, array|string|null $references = null): Invoice { $invoice = $this->createAndSave(Invoice::class, $properties, [ 'createdAt' => new DateTimeImmutable(), 'number' => InvoiceFixture::count(), // the current number, auto-incrementation on save() 'user' => $this->getRandomReferenceByClass(User::class), // a random User 'status' => self::randomValue(Status::cases()), // randomly a value of Status Enum, 'confirmed' => self::randomValue([True, False]), // randomly True or False 'comment' => self::randomValue([null, self::getFaker()->sentence()]), // Add random sentence or randomly NULL 'product' ], $references ); // Add RandomProduct for ($i=0 ; $i<10 ; $i++) { /** @var Product $product */ $randomProduct = $this->getRandomReferenceByClass(Product::class); $invoice->addProduct($randomProduct); } return $invoice; } // -- }
- Arnaud Lemercier is based on Wixiweb.
Marty MacFly is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).