
Laravel wrapper for Get A Newsletter's API

dev-master 2021-03-03 08:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 05:24:30 UTC


This package uses Get A Newsletter's API version 3.0. Read the official docs at for information about the API and possible params/arguments.


Right now, since this isn't added to Packagist yet, this can be installed by adding the following to your composer.json:

"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": ""

And adding this to the require section:

"martincamen/laravel-getanewsletter": "dev-master"

Publish the config file by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MartinCamen\GetANewsletter\GetANewsletterServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Get an authentication token from Get A Newsletter and set it in the config file or in the .env file and you're ready to go!


Almost all of the following modules' get() methods are handled the same.

The get() method takes two arguments:

Type Description Default
Array Optional params (see the docs for all possibilities) []
Boolean Get the results as a collection, false will return the raw response (including the count, the results, etc.) true

Get all results for a specific module:


// ...and so on.

With params:

GetANewsletter::contacts()->get(['page' => 1], false);

GetANewsletter::lists()->get(['page' => 1], false);   
// ...and so on.

The exceptions are (for example) the submethods of Reports which takes $reportId as its first argument and sometimes another related id field as its second argument. The arguments mentioned above are then pushed to the second or third position and then following the same standard.


Get all contacts:


Create a new contact:

Type Description Default
String The e-mail to store -
Array Optional params (see the docs for all possibilities) []
Boolean Get the results as a collection, false will return the raw response (including the count, the results, etc.) true
GetANewsletter::contacts()->create($email, $additionalData, false);

Update a contact:

Type Description Default
String The e-mail to handle -
Array Optional params to update (see the docs for all possibilities). Non-mentioned params will not be updated. []
Boolean Get the results as a collection, false will return the raw response (including the count, the results, etc.) true
GetANewsletter::contacts()->update($email, $additionalData, false);

Delete a contact (pass the e-mail (string) to delete):



Get all e-mails (sent and drafts):


Drafts & Sent e-mails

Get all drafts/sent:



To get a specific e-mail, use the find() method with the appropriate ID (will return as a collection, pass false as a second argument if you want the raw response):


GetANewsletter::sent()->find($id, false);

Delete a draft/sent (pass the item's id (int) to delete):


Create a new draft:

Type Description Default
Array Params. Required params are subject & body. -
Boolean Get the result as a collection, false will return the raw response (including the count, the results, etc.) true
GetANewsletter::drafts()->create($data, false);

Update a draft:

Type Description Default
String The draft's id. -
Array Params to update. Non-mentioned params will not be updated. []
Boolean Get the results as a collection, false will return the raw response (including the count, the results, etc.) true
GetANewsletter::drafts()->update($id, $additionalData, false);

Copy a draft (pass the draft's id (int) to copy, the second param is whether the result should be a collection or not):

GetANewsletter::drafts()->copy($id, false);


Get all lists:


Create a new list:

Type Description Default
Array Params. Required params are email, name & sender. -
Boolean Get the results as a collection, false will return the raw response (including the count, the results, etc.) true
GetANewsletter::lists()->create($data, false);

Update a list:

Type Description Default
String The list's hash. -
Array Params to update. Non-mentioned params will not be updated. []
Boolean Get the results as a collection, false will return the raw response (including the count, the results, etc.) true
GetANewsletter::lists()->update($hash, $additionalData, false);

Delete a list (pass the list's hash (string) to delete):



Get all attributes:


Create a new attribute:

Type Description Default
String Name, required. -
Array Params. Required params are name & sender. -
Boolean Get the results as a collection, false will return the raw response (including the count, the results, etc.) true
GetANewsletter::attributes()->create($name, $data, false);

Update an attribute:

Type Description Default
String The name to change to. This is the only value that can be changed. -
String Code of the attribute to update. -
Boolean Get the results as a collection, false will return the raw response (including the count, the results, etc.) true
GetANewsletter::attributes()->update($name, $code, false);

Delete an attribute (pass the attribute's code (string) to delete):



Get all subscriptions:



Get all reports:


To get a specific report, use the find() method with the appropriate ID (will return as a collection, pass false as a second param if you want the raw response):


GetANewsletter::reports()->find($id, false);


Get all opened for a specific report:


Get information regarding a specific open for a specific report (pass false as a third param if you want the raw response):


Get an aggregated report regarding a specific report:



Get all non-opened for a specific report:


Get information regarding a specific non-open for a specific report (pass false as a third param if you want the raw response):



Get all bounces for a specific report:


Get information regarding a specific bounce for a specific report (pass false as a third param if you want the raw response):



Get information regarding all links and data regarding clicks for a specific report:


Get information regarding a specific link for a specific report (pass false as a third param if you want the raw response):



Get information regarding clicks for a specific report and link:

GetANewsletter::links()->get($reportId, $linkId);

Get information regarding a specific click for a specific report and link (pass false as a fourth param if you want the raw response):

GetANewsletter::links()->find($reportId$linkId, $clickId);


Get information regarding all unsubscriptions for a specific report:


Get information regarding a specific unsubscription for a specific report (pass false as a second param if you want the raw response):


To do

  • Add all endpoints (including exports)
  • Error handling
  • ...and more.