
A package for Laravel Breadcrum usage with the ability to add some default and use your custom templating

v2.0.1 2021-04-07 10:58 UTC


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Laravel Breadcrumb

Laravel breadcrumb is a package that will make it easy to generate breadcrumbs in your Laravel application. If you use our Seoable package as well, then it will generate the structured data json for you as well.


composer require marshmallow/breadcrumb


Add a new crumb

To add a new crumb path you can use the breadcrumb facade.

use Marshmallow\Breadcrumb\Facades\Breadcrumb;
Breadcrumb::add('Name', 'Full path (uri)', 'icon class (optional)');

Render your breadcrumbs

{!! Breadcrumb::generate() !!}


When you publish the breadcrumb package, all blade files will be available for you to change as you like.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Marshmallow\Breadcrumb\BreadcrumbServiceProvider"