
ArrayHelper liberary, providing functions such as rebuilding indexes, grouping, getting content, recursive difference sets, recursive sorting, etc.

0.3.4 2020-05-10 10:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 20:46:27 UTC


Array processing library, providing functions such as rebuilding indexes, grouping, getting content, recursive difference sets, recursive sorting, etc.

Continuation library marshung/helper, only keep and maintain ArrayHelper

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Composer Install

# composer require marsapp/arrayhelper


Include composer autoloader before use.

require __PATH__ . "vendor/autoload.php";



Namespace use:

// Use namespace
use marsapp\helper\myarray\ArrayHelper;

// Data
$data = [
    ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b1', 'u_no' => 'a001', 'u_name' => 'name1'],
    ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'name2'],

// Index by
ArrayHelper::indexBy($data, ['c_sn', 'u_no']);

// Get name by a110 => a001 => u_name
$name = ArrayHelper::getContent($data, 'a110, a001, u_name');
// $name = name1;

API Reference


Data re-index by keys

indexBy(Array & $data, Array|String $keys, Bool $obj2array = false) : array

Since $data is a reference, $data will change after indexBy() is executed.
Since $data is a reference, the return is useless.
If you want to keep $data, you can clone it before using it.

Example :

$data = [
    ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b1', 'u_no' => 'a001', 'u_name' => 'name1'],
    ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'name2'],

ArrayHelper::indexBy($data, ['c_sn','u_sn','u_no']);
// $data = [
//    'a110' => [
//        'b1' => ['a001' => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b1', 'u_no' => 'a001', 'u_name' => 'name1']],
//        'b2' => ['b012' => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'name2']],
//    ],
// ];


Data re-index and Group by keys

groupBy(Array & $data, Array|String $keys, Bool $obj2array = false) : array

Since $data is a reference, $data will change after indexBy() is executed.
Since $data is a reference, the return is useless.
If you want to keep $data, you can clone it before using it.

Example :

$data = [
    ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b1', 'u_no' => 'a001', 'u_name' => 'name1'],
    ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'name2'],
    ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'user name 3'],

ArrayHelper::groupBy($data, ['c_sn','u_sn','u_no']);

$data reqult:

    'a110' => [
        'b1' => ['a001' => [
                0 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b1', 'u_no' => 'a001', 'u_name' => 'name1']
        'b2' => ['b012' => [
                0 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'name2'],
                1 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'user name 3']


Data re-index by keys, No Data

indexOnly(Array & $data, Array|String $keys, Bool $obj2array = false) : array

Since $data is a reference, $data will change after indexBy() is executed.
Since $data is a reference, the return is useless.
If you want to keep $data, you can clone it before using it.

Example :

$data = [
    ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b1', 'u_no' => 'a001', 'u_name' => 'name1'],
    ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'name2'],

ArrayHelper::indexOnly($data, ['c_sn','u_sn','u_no']);

$data reqult:

    'a110' => [
        'b1' => [
            'a001' => ''
        'b2' => [
            'b012' => ''


Get Data content by index

getContent(Array $data, Array|String $indexTo = [], Bool $exception = false) : array|mixed


$data = ['user' => ['name' => 'Mars', 'birthday' => '2000-01-01']];

// No indexTo, get all
$output = ArrayHelper::getContent($data);
// $output: ['user' => ['name' => 'Mars', 'birthday' => '2000-01-01']];

// Target is array
$output = ArrayHelper::getContent($data, 'user');
$output = ArrayHelper::getContent($data, ['user']);
// $output: ['name' => 'Mars', 'birthday' => '2000-01-01'];

// Target is string
$output = ArrayHelper::getContent($data, 'user, name');
$output = ArrayHelper::getContent($data, ['user', 'name']);
// $outpu: Mars

// No target
$output = ArrayHelper::getContent($data, 'user, name, aaa');
$output = ArrayHelper::getContent($data, ['user', 'name', 'aaa']);
// $outpu: []


Get fall point content

  1. Get the data in an ordered non-contiguous index array
  2. If there is no fall point, return null.
  3. Ensure performance by sorting $data ahead of time:
    • a. Sorting $data (ASC)
    • b. Close $sortOut
    • c. Use function ArrayHelper::getFallContent()
getFallContent(Array $data, $referKey, $sortOut = 'default') : mixed


  • $data: The array to compare from. array
  • $referKey: Refer key to compare against. string
  • $sortOut: Whether the input needs to be rearranged. Value: true, false, 'default'. If it is 'default', see getSortOut()

Return Values

  • Returns the resulting mixed.

Example :

$data = ['2019-05-01' => '20', '2019-06-01' => '30', '2019-06-15' => '50'];
$value = ArrayHelper::getFallContent($data, '2019-06-11', false);
// $value = 30;


Data gather by list

Collect and classify target data according to the list of fields

gather(Array $data, Array $colNameList, Int $objLv = 1) : array

Example Data :

$data = [
    0 => ['sn' => '1785','m_sn' => '40','d_sn' => '751','r_type' => 'staff','manager' => '1','s_manager' => '1','c_user' => '506'],
    1 => ['sn' => '1371','m_sn' => '40','d_sn' => '583','r_type' => 'staff','manager' => '61','s_manager' => '0','c_user' => '118'],
    2 => ['sn' => '1373','m_sn' => '40','d_sn' => '584','r_type' => 'staff','manager' => '61','s_manager' => '0','c_user' => '118'],
    3 => ['sn' => '7855','m_sn' => '40','d_sn' => '2303','r_type' => 'staff','manager' => '71','s_manager' => '0','c_user' => '61'],
    4 => ['sn' => '7856','m_sn' => '40','d_sn' => '2304','r_type' => 'staff','manager' => '75','s_manager' => '0','c_user' => '61']

Example 1 :

Field manager, s_manager, c_user values are placed in the same one-dimensional array

$ssnList1 = ArrayHelper::gather($data, array('manager', 's_manager','c_user'), 1);

$ssnList1 reqult:

[1 => '1',506 => '506',61 => '61',0 => '0',118 => '118',71 => '71',75 => '75'];

Example 2 :

The field manager is placed in an array, the fields s_manager, and the c_user values are placed in the same array. Form a 2-dimensional array

$ssnList2 = ArrayHelper::gather($data, array('manager' => array('manager'), 'other' => array('s_manager','c_user')), 1);

$ssnList2 reqult:

    'manager' => [1 => '1',61 => '61',71 => '71',75 => '75'],
    'other' => [1 => '1',506 => '506',0 => '0',118 => '118',61 => '61']


Array Deff Recursive

Compare $srcArray with $contrast and display it if something on $srcArray is not on $contrast.

diffRecursive(Array $srcArray, $contrast) : array

Example :

$data1 = [
    0 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b1', 'u_no' => 'a001', 'u_name' => 'name1'],
    1 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'name2'],
    2 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => null, 'u_no' => 'c024', 'u_name' => 'name3'],
$data2 = [
    0 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b1', 'u_no' => 'a001', 'u_name' => 'name1'],
    1 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'name2222'],
    2 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'c024', 'u_name' => 'user name 3'],

$diff = ArrayHelper::diffRecursive($data1, $data2);

$diff result :

    1 => ['u_name' => 'name2'],
    2 => ['u_sn' => NULL,'u_name' => 'name3']


Array Sort Recursive

sortRecursive(Array & $srcArray, $type = 'ksort') : void

$srcArray is a reference
$type : ksort(default), krsort, sort, rsort

Example :

$data1 = [
    'b1' => [
        0 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b1', 'u_no' => 'a001', 'u_name' => 'name1']
    'b2' => [
        0 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'name2'],
        1 => ['c_sn' => 'a110', 'u_sn' => 'b2', 'u_no' => 'b012', 'u_name' => 'user name 3']

$data2 = $data1;

ArrayHelper::sortRecursive($data1, 'ksort');
ArrayHelper::sortRecursive($data2, 'krsort');

$data1 result:

    'b1' => [
        0 => ['c_sn' => 'a110','u_name' => 'name1','u_no' => 'a001','u_sn' => 'b1']
    'b2' => [
        0 => ['c_sn' => 'a110','u_name' => 'name2','u_no' => 'b012','u_sn' => 'b2'],
        1 => ['c_sn' => 'a110','u_name' => 'user name 3','u_no' => 'b012','u_sn' => 'b2']

$data2 result:

    'b2' => [
        1 => ['u_sn' => 'b2','u_no' => 'b012','u_name' => 'user name 3','c_sn' => 'a110'],
        0 => ['u_sn' => 'b2','u_no' => 'b012','u_name' => 'name2','c_sn' => 'a110']
    'b1' => [
        0 => ['u_sn' => 'b1','u_no' => 'a001','u_name' => 'name1','c_sn' => 'a110']


Filter array according to the allowed keys

filterKey(Array $array, $keys, $fillKey = true) : array


  • $array: The array to compare from. array
  • $keys: Key list to compare against. array|string
  • $fillKey: Fill the key that does not exist in the array, default true. bool

Return Values

  • Returns the resulting array.

Example :

$array = ['sn' => '1785','m_sn' => '40','d_sn' => '751','r_type' => 'staff','manager' => '1','s_manager' => '1','c_user' => '506'];

// fill key
$result = ArrayHelper::filterKey($array, ['sn', 'd_sn', 'r_type', 'manager', 'nooooooooo']);
$result = ArrayHelper::filterKey($array, 'sn,d_sn, r_type, manager, nooooooooo');
// $result = ['sn' => '1785','d_sn' => '751','r_type' => 'staff','manager' => '1', 'nooooooooo' => ''];

// No fill key
$result = ArrayHelper::filterKey($array, ['sn', 'd_sn', 'r_type', 'manager', 'nooooooooo'], false);
$result = ArrayHelper::filterKey($array, 'sn,d_sn, r_type, manager, nooooooooo', false);
// $result = ['sn' => '1785','d_sn' => '751','r_type' => 'staff','manager' => '1'];