
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the geocoder-php/common-http package instead.

A simple wrapper for (reverse) geocoding.

v0.3-beta 2023-05-03 14:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-21 22:23:49 UTC



composer require markuskooche/geocode


How to geocode

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Markuskooche\Geocode\Geocode;

// Get the longitude and latitude of a location.
$street = 'Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest';
$number = '1917';
$city = 'Washington';
$zip = '20500';
// You only need api key for the google maps driver.
// The standard driver will use the openstreet maps api.  
$geocode = new Geocode(<driver_instance>);
$coordinates = $geocode->coordinates($street, $number, $city, $zip);
 * The coordinates is returned as a collection.
 * @var Collection $coordinates
$coordinates = [
    'longitude' => '-77.037852'
    'latitude'  => '38.898556',

How to reverse geocode

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Markuskooche\Geocode\Geocode;

// Get the street, number, city and zip of a location.
$longitude = -77.0442641;
$latitude = 38.9004915;

// You only need api key for the google maps driver.
// The standard driver will use the openstreet maps api.
$geocode = new Geocode(<driver_instance>);
$address = $geocode->address($longitude, $latitude);
 * The address is returned as a collection.
 * @var Collection $address
$address = [
    'street' => 'Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest',
    'number' => '1917',
    'city'   => 'Washington',
    'zip'    => '20500',

Export the configuration

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Markuskooche\Geocode\GeocodeServiceProvider" --tag="config"


Geocode is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.