
Translates automatic eloquent model attributes via DeepL

v1.0.0 2022-04-11 09:13 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-11 18:06:58 UTC


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Laravel-Deep-Translatable is more than just an API Wrapper for DeepL. It contains a trait to make Eloquent models automatic translatable. So you can easily publish a Blog post (or whatever) and create multiple language versions of it quite automatically. If you need to adjust or refine the translation, just got for it by using the provided updateTranslation method.


Install the package via composer:

composer require marksitko/laravel-deep-translatable

Laravel-Deep-Translatable comes with package discovery and Laravel will register the service provider automatically. Just in case you wanna add it manually, you should provide it in config/app.php

Service provider

'providers' => [

Next you should publish the configuration and migration.

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MarkSitko\DeepTranslatable\DeepTranslatableServiceProvider"

Run migrations

$ php artisan migrate


You have at least to provide a DeepL API key in your .env file. Read how to accessing the DeepL API


Optional configurations:

# Swaps the api url if you have subscriped to the pro plan

# The default source language

# The query parameter which indicates to switch beteween translations

# Translation can be passed to the queue, its recommended if you translation bulks

# Specific queue name


First implement the Translatable Interface, add the UseDeepTranslations Trait and define your translatable keys.


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use MarkSitko\DeepTranslatable\UseDeepTranslations;
use MarkSitko\DeepTranslatable\Contracts\Translatable;

class Post extends Model implements Translatable
    use UseDeepTranslations;

    protected $fillable = [

    protected $translatable = [

Translate and persist Call translateViaDictionary() method on your model with your target language.

use App\Models\Post;
use MarkSitko\DeepTranslatable\Lang;

$post = Post::create([
    'title' => 'My awesome title!',
    'body' => 'This is the main content',


// to swap the post language, 
// simply call your url with an additional query 'lang' parameter.
// https://yousite.test/posts/1?lang=de

// It would return the post translatable keys:

// titel => 'Mein genialer Titel!'
// body => 'Dies ist der Hauptinhalt'

Translate without persisting

use App\Models\Post;
use MarkSitko\DeepTranslatable\Lang;


Retrieve all translations form a model


Update/Refine a translation To refine an existing Eloquent translation, call updateTranslation() method. It accepts three parameters.

  1. The key to refined.
  2. The target language to refined
  3. The refined translated string
Post::first()->updateTranslation('title', LANG::DE, 'Mein großartiger Titel!');

Just use the API Client without Eloquent models

use MarkSitko\DeepTranslatable\DeepL;
use MarkSitko\DeepTranslatable\Lang;

DeepL::translate('Hello World!', Lang::DE); // <- returns 'Hallo Welt!'
DeepL::translate('Los gehts!', Lang::EN, ['source_lang' => Lang::DE]); // <- returns 'Let's go'

The third param in the translate method is an optional $options array. Here you can define a specific source language or additional query options.

Translate value from stored json object If you'r model has a json column which stored a value which you would like to translate, you can define the path with dot notaions in the $translatable property.

class Fields extends Model implements Translatable
    use UseDeepTranslations;
     * Imagine you have stored the following json object in the option column
     * {
     *  option: {
     *      nested: {
     *          key: {
     *              value: 'I would like to be translated', 
     *          },
     *          other_key: {
     *              value: 'I should not be translated', 
     *          },
     *      },
     *  }
     * }
     * */

    protected $translatable = [

How it works

If you call translateViaDictionary() on your Eloquent model, each translation is stored in a special translation_dictionaries table. The source text is stored as a key and each translation is stored as a json with the specified target language code. This concept was implemented to avoid requests for already translated strings.

For each translation call, the translation_dictionaries table is first checked to see if a translation already exists for the specified target language. If a translation exists it will be returned from the database, if not it will be retrieved from DeepL. You can also use this method to keep your own dictionary for specific words.

Push translation calls to the queue

By default the translateViaDictionary() method is executed synchronously. For one model or simple strings this is fine, but if you plan to perform bulk translations it is recommended to use the queue for translate and persisting models.

  • Setup your queue
  • In your .env file set DEEP_TRANSLATABLE_USE_QUEUE=true
  • If you would use a specific queue, you can define the name by DEEP_TRANSLATABLE_QUEUE_NAME=translating

Switch between translations

To swap translatables keys on your model, you just need to call your site with an additional query parameter which defines your target language code.

For example: If your default site for a particular post would be: https://yousite.test/posts/1 then call it up for the german translation as follows: https://yousite.test/posts/1?lang=de


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.