
Fantasy Football Nerd API package

1.2.3 2019-08-13 15:01 UTC


A PHP package for the Fantasy Football Nerd API which

takes the "wisdom of the crowd" to a new level by aggregating the fantasy football rankings of the best fantasy football sites on the planet to analyze the rankings given to each player to produce a consensus ranking.

This packge currently supports all Level 1 and Level 2 streams which cost $14.95 per season -- a total no-brainer if you're into fantasy sports and programming.


First, sign up for a Fantasy Football Nerd account.

Then run the following in your project to work with the api.

composer require marcusmyers/fantasy-football-nerd


If working with a framework you could do the following.

use MarkMyers\FFNerd\FFNerd;

$client = new FFNerd();

$byes = $client->byes();

When working with plain old php you could something like the following.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$client = new FFNerd();

$byes = $client->byes();

If you have problems using the package please create an issue and I'll try and address it when I have time.