
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP SDK for Mapado API v2

v0.16.0 2020-08-11 12:23 UTC


⚠ Work in progress ⚠

This SDK targets version 2 of mapado api. If you are looking for the version 1, you can refer to the old documentation


Install with composer:

composer require "mapado/php-sdk"

This SDK leverages the power of our rest-client-sdk.


Get a token

Refresh a token

Create a client


use Mapado\Sdk\Entity\Activity;

$activities = $client->getRepository(Activity::class)->findBy(['q' => 'transbordeur', latlng => '45.468,4.263']);
$activity = $client->getRepository(Activity::class)->findOne('63e4b024-6f08-43d3-a73b-634a306bc6c6');

Will return an MapadoList or an instance of Activity


If an activity contains a program, you can get it by doing this call

$activityList = $client->getRepository(Activity::class)->findProgramFor('villeurbanne--transbordeur');

Will return an MapadoList or an instance of Activity


use Mapado\Sdk\Entity\User;

$me = $client->getRepository(User::class)->me();
$user = $client->getRepository(User::class)->findOne('63e4b024-6f08-43d3-a73b-634a306bc6c6');

Will return an instance of User

User Lists

List objects

Lists results will be contained in a MapadoList object. The list object is traversable (you can iterate on it with a foreach), and may contains some informations like totalhits, page, etc.

Other calls

Every endpoint listed in our documentation should be available like the one atop. If a endpoint is missing, please open an issue on github