
This package is used to analyisis of module wise work log of our website

v8 2023-11-30 10:10 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-19 14:15:56 UTC



Run a command,

composer require mansi/website-analytics

To publish configurations,

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=analysis_view


Show Analysis of module wise work-log files and it's work-log.

  • There is view page called index.blade.php.It Include drop-down list and search button.

  • Drop-down list contain all subdirectories(modules) of logs directoy. for that it reads logs directory.

  • view work-log of particular module,we need to select module from drop-down list and click on search button.

  • After click of search button ,if folder is empty then get message 'Folder is empty.' otherwise we will get list of files of selected module.

  • There is also pagination avilable.we can see 20 file name on page.If there is more then 20 file then it will be other page.

  • Then we need to select file which we want to view work-log.

  • when we select file , there will be one pop-up box display that contain file name as title of pop-up and log(content) of that file if file have content otherwise message 'File is empty.' as body of pop-up box and there will be close and view full page button in footer of pop-up box.

  • if file is empty then View Full Page button is disable.

  • when we click on close button , pop-up box will be closed.

  • when we click on View Full Page button , we will view log details of that file in new tab full page.

  • Ex:-

    • In index.blade.php there drop-down list which include module name

      • ProductManagementLogs
      • CategoryManagementLogs
      • JobConfigurationLogs
      • CMSPagesLogs
      • UserAnalyticsLogs
      • ExportProductLogs
    • From that options you need to select one at a time. For Ex you have selected ProductManagementLogs option and then click on search button , you will get list of files of that particular folder.

      • product.log
      • product_2023_11_19.log
      • product_2023_11_20.log
    • After you need to select any file for purpose of view logs of that file.whenever you click on any file , you can see pop up box with log content of that file and pop box have button called view full page , on click of that button you will be redirected to new tab with that content.