
Wrap Cardmarket API with PHP

dev-develop 2020-10-25 17:25 UTC



Build Status


Use Composer to install the package:

$ composer require mamoot/cardmarket-php-sdk

Usage and examples

Init the Cardmarket client

use Mamoot\CardMarket\Cardmarket;
use Mamoot\CardMarket\HttpClient\HttpClientCreator;

$httpCreator = new HttpClientCreator();

$cardmarket = new Cardmarket($httpCreator);

Play with!

Retrieve all TCG Games from CardMarket


Retrieve all expansions by game.

// All pokemon expansions

// All Magic The Gathering expansions

Retrieve all cards for a given expansion.

// All Pokemon cards of the Jungle expansion

Retrieve the details and price guide of a single card

// Cards details for "Electrode (Holo) - Jungle expansion"

Add your custom Resources

It's not really a part of the Cardmarket SDK but if want to organize your work, it can be a good place!

namespace Vendor\MyNamespace;

use Mamoot\CardMarket\Resources\HttpCaller;

class MyPokemonResource extends HttpCaller
    public function getOrderedExpansions(): array
        // do stuff
use Vendor\MyNamespace\MyPokemonResource;

$cardmarket = new Cardmarket($httpCreator);
$cardmarket->registerResources('pokemon', MyPokemonResource::class);

Now you can manipulate your resource like the default provided :


You can't redefined default resources

Get your CSV stock files

Get your MTG CSV file from CardMarket into your disk

// 1 = (gameId) Magic The Gathering
$magicStock = $cardmarket->stock()->getStockFile(1);

Now, you can use the Helper CsvStockFileHelper to store data on your disk.

use \Mamoot\CardMarket\Helper\CsvStockFileHelper;

$stockHelper = new CsvStockFileHelper($magicStock['stock']);

Execute test suite

If you want to run the tests you should run the following commands:

git clone
cd cardmarket-php-sdk
composer install
composer test

If you want to generate coverage with HTML report, run:

composer test-coverage-html