
v1.0.4 2021-03-25 01:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 07:44:03 UTC


Small PHP library that allows you to decrypt and encrypt requests from SFgame.


Via composer

$ composer require "malyxksz/sf-crypto"


require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoloader

use SF_Crypto\Request\RequestDecrypt;

 * Data
$MY_KEY_ID = '0-080j09R3QcM125';
$MY_KEY = 'A25p573435609wDI';

 * Request data
 * Encrypted string
$MY_REQUEST = '0-080j09R3QcM125bMIoFRuKNlPC-CiX7CXKAEG_ezwY7wAOML8yzJVjEuzSDxDcjyXFM5aIh84IOaqDaYrCRwGt2OgxwbCIBgxJGWj6IoYyPKERGi1OU9Dvkj8=';

 * Init decrypt class
 * Passing values: Crypto Key ID & Crypto Key
$RequestDecrypt = new RequestDecrypt($MY_KEY_ID, $MY_KEY); // Init decrypt class

 * Request decryption
 * Decrypted data returned as RequestData class
$decrypt_data = $RequestDecrypt->decryptRequest($MY_REQUEST);

 * Print decrypted data
echo "<h1>Decrypted data</h1>";
echo "<b>Session:</b> {$decrypt_data->getSession()}<br/>"; # string
echo "<b>Action:</b> {$decrypt_data->getAction()}<br/>"; # string
echo "<b>Parameters:</b> <pre>".print_r($decrypt_data->getParameters(), true)."</pre><br/>"; # array

Other examples of using this library are in the examples folder.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.