
Menu system for Backpack 4.1

v1.0.8 2020-07-06 14:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-07 16:04:03 UTC


An multiple menu manager for Laravel Backpack. Created out of the need to make multiple menus and to include multiple models in the menu. It also has a bootstrap menu frontend blade files.


  1. Run in your terminal:
    composer require maig81/backpack-menu
  2. Edit /config/app.php and add to providers array
  3. Publish the views, config and migrations:
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Maig81\BackpackMenu\MenuServiceProvider"
  4. Run the migration to have the database table we need:
    php artisan migrate
  5. [optional] Add a menu item for it in resources/views/vendor/backpack/base/inc/sidebar.blade.php or menu.blade.php:
    php artisan backpack:add-sidebar-content "<li class='nav-item'><a class='nav-link' href='{{ backpack_url('backpackmenu') }}'><i class='nav-icon fa fa-file-o'></i> <span>Menus</span></a></li>"


  1. Edit config/backpackmenu.php and add models you need to be in the Menu system. The Model should have title as it will be in the list.
  2. Edit files in views/vendor/backpack_menu if you need to alter the views. As the names suggest, menu_template.php is the outer template for the menu, and the menu_item.blade.php is a single link that calls itself recursively if there are children.
  3. BackpackMenu model has getMenuView() that will generate a menu from views/vendor/backpack_menu views.


This is a crude example... You can make a field in your template to get the menu you need.

Add this to your view controller:

$menu = \Maig81\BackpackMenu\App\Models\BackpackMenu::find(1);
return view('your_view', ["menu" => $menu]);

Then, in your view you can add to get the bootstrap menu generated:


To Do

  1. Add Menuable Trait that you can add to the model. It will add getLink() and getTitle() function.