
Put your application down and browse in dev mode.

v1.0 2017-05-24 03:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 06:00:55 UTC


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Put your application down and browse in dev mode.



  1. Install package through composer
composer require mahmud/maintenance-mode

Or add dependency to composer.json file

    "require": {
        "mahmud/maintenance-mode": "^1.0"
  1. Add Service Provider to providers array in config/app.php
'providers' =>  [
  1. Add the following Middleware in middleware array in app/Http/Kernel.php
protected $middleware = [
  1. Publish resources by this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=maintenance-mode --force
  1. Add APP_STATUS and UP_TIME to your .env file
UP_TIME='2017-05-19 23:30:15'



Set APP_STATUS in your .env file. Possible values are up and down. Set app status to down when you want to go for maintenance. And Also set UP_TIME when your application will be up. UP_TIME format is 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'.

UP_TIME has no effect when APP_STATUS=up

Dev Mode

You can access you app when it is in maintenance mode. To access you must visit your site with query param mode=dev The URL will be

Once you browse like this you can browse for the next few minutes specified in cookie_exp_min


To change configuration go to config/maintenance-mode.php. Available configurations are listed below.


This is the status of your app. Possible value are: down | up . When you start maintenance work, you should set the status to down. You can also set the status from .env file. Just set APP_STATUS=down in your environment.


You should set time when your application will be up. You can set up time from .env file by setting UP_TIME='YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' in this format.


Dev mode will be expired after specified minutes. After being expired user should visit the site with mode=dev query param to start dev session again.


This status code will be send with the header when you app is down.


This message will be sent as a response when client sent AJAX request to the app. Response will be in JSON format where key is error and value is the message. For example:

    'error' =>  'Application is down for maintenance'


This view is returned when your application is down. You can set a custom view by specifying the view path here. i.e.

    'view'  =>  'public.errors.custom_view'

when you view path is resources/views/public/errors.custom_view.blade.php