
Starter project for USM

3.0.1 2023-11-07 13:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 16:05:24 UTC


Get started quickly with an USM enabled Yii2 project.

Published under MIT license.

📣 Release notes


  • Ultimate Site Management pre-configured.
  • DotEnv for management of environment variables.
  • Docker compose with
    • PHP container running your Yii2 application
    • MySQL container with database stored in local ./runtime/database folder
    • Mailpit, a mail debugging tool



You can install this project template using the following command:

$ composer create-project --prefer-dist maerduq/usm-starter my-app-name

Getting started for local development

$ indicates a command to run on your host computer, # indicates a command to run in your application's docker container

  • $ cp .env-dev.example .env - to setup you environment variables file.
  • $ docker compose up -d - to start your docker containers
  • Open a bash shell in your php docker container by executing $ docker exec -it <containerId> bash
  • # bash script-dev-setup - for quick setup (run in your php container)
  • Now visit your website on http://localhost:8000/
  • A very useful mail debugger called mailpit is available on http://localhost:8025/
  • And your mysql server is accessible via localhost:3006

Getting started for production

  • $ cp .env-prod.example .env - to setup you environment variables file.
  • Edit the values in .env to your preference.
  • $ bash deploy - to install everything.

Other available bash scripts

  • # bash script-dev-watch - for watchers used during development
  • # php yii message messages/config.php - generate translation files from your views. Learn more.

Application configuration

Use the following command to create your application configuration file:

$ cp .env.example .env

Change the environment variables as you like using the explanation of the variables below.


YII_DEBUGWhether Yii should run in debug mode (1 or 0)
YII_ENVThe Yii environment setting to run (dev, test, or prod)
DB_HOSTHost name of your database (e.g. localhost)
DB_NAMEName of your database
DB_USERNAMEUsername to access your database
DB_PASSWORDPassword to access your database
DB_CHARSETCharset of your database (e.g. utf8mb4)
DB_SCHEMA_CACHEWhether the schema of your database should be cached
ADMIN_EMAILThe administrator's email

Directory Structure

  assets/             contains assets definition
  commands/           contains console commands (controllers)
  config/             contains application configurations
  controllers/        contains Web controller classes
  models/             contains model classes
  runtime/            contains files generated during runtime
  vendor/             contains dependent 3rd-party packages
  views/              contains view files for the Web application
  web/                contains the entry script and Web resources


  • Paul Marcelis



  • Create database app_test
  • # php tests/bin/yii migrate-usm --interactive=0 - to setup structure for test database
  • # php tests/bin/yii migrate --interactive=0 - to setup structure for test database
  • # composer test - to run all tests
  • # composer test -- unit - to only run unit tests

Additional commands

  • # php vendor/bin/codecept run - to run all tests
  • # php vendor/bin/codecept run --steps - to run all tests with showing every individual step
  • # php vendor/bin/codecept run unit - to run only unit tests
  • # php vendor/bin/codecept run functional - to run only functional tests
  • # php vendor/bin/codecept run unit widgets/AlertTest - to run a specific test file
  • # php vendor/bin/codecept run unit widgets/AlertTest:testSingleErrorMessage - to run a single test
  • # php vendor/bin/codecept run --debug - to run with debug info
  • # php tests/bin/yii fixture Customer - to load CustomerFixture data
  • # php tests/bin/yii fixture/unload "*" - to unload all data

Doc pointers