
Speed up your TYPO3 installation: add Critical CSS (Above The Fold) inline, minify the HTML of your website, use subdomains as CDN to reduce page load, manage proxy-caching (e.g with Varnish) via page-properties, reduce database size when storing JSON-arrays with persisted objects to the database

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Speed up your TYPO3 installation:

  • add Critical CSS (Above The Fold) inline *
  • minify the HTML of your website
  • use subdomains as CDN for your static contents (images, files, ...) to speed up the loading time of your website
  • manage proxy-caching (e.g with Varnish) via page-properties
  • can be used with Hetzner Varnish for Managed Servers
  • reduce database size when storing JSON-arrays with persisted objects to the database.

1. HTML Minifier

1.1 Description

This function removes unnecessary breaks and spaces from the HTML code. This significantly reduces the size of the HTML code.

1.2 Settings

IMPORTANT: Since TYPO3 v10 the configuration is no longer possible via TypoScript because it is now implemented as Middleware. It is now possible to configure it via your site-configuration (YAML) instead.

    enable: true
    excludePids: ''
    includePageTypes: '0'
        enable: false
      condition: 'applicationContext == "Development/Local"'
  • enable activates the HTML Minify
  • excludePids excludes the PIDs defined in this comma-separated list
  • includePageTypes includes the pageTypes defined in this comma-separated list

Please note: The variants only work with the enable-attribute

For a default-setup it is sufficient to set

    enable: true

2. Pseudo-CDN

2.1 Description

With the CDN functionality it is possible to reduce the loading time of the website considerably by loading static content from subdomains of the respective website. This is not a real CDN, but a "Pseudo-CDN", since no external servers are used. It uses sub-domains of the given domain to deliver static contents and therefore it needs

  1. a corresponding DNS-configuration
  2. a wildcard TLS-certificate to work properly. How this is done is not part of this documentation - but you can ask me any time :-)

Example without Pseudo-CDN

<picture >
    <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1025px)">
    <source srcset="" media="(min-width:769px)">
    <source srcset="" media="(min-width:481px)">
    <source srcset="https://www.rkwde/fileadmin/_processed_/4/9/csm_20191112-Unternehmensberatung-Mobile_3c8697c74b.jpg" media="(min-width:321px)">
    <source srcset="" media="(min-width:0px)">
    <img src="" alt="Ihre Unternehmensberatung ">

Example with active Pseudo-CDN

<picture >
    <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1025px)">
    <source srcset="" media="(min-width:769px)">
    <source srcset="" media="(min-width:481px)">
    <source srcset="https://static2.rkwde/fileadmin/_processed_/4/9/csm_20191112-Unternehmensberatung-Mobile_3c8697c74b.jpg" media="(min-width:321px)">
    <source srcset="" media="(min-width:0px)">
    <img src="" alt="Ihre Unternehmensberatung ">

2.2 Settings

IMPORTANT: Since TYPO3 v10 the configuration is no longer possible via TypoScript because it is now implemented as Middleware. It is now possible to configure the PseudoCdn via your site-configuration (YAML) instead. Important: the DNS has to be configured accordingly and a Wildcard-TLS-certificate has to be installed before activating this functionality

    enable: true
    maxConnectionsPerDomain: 4
    maxSubdomains: 100
    search: '/(href="|src="|srcset="|url\(\')\/?((uploads\/media|uploads\/pics|typo3temp\/compressor|typo3temp\/GB|typo3conf\/ext|fileadmin)([^"\']+))/i'
    ignoreIfContains: '/\.css|\.js|\.mp4|\.pdf|\?noCdn=1/'
        enable: false
      condition: 'applicationContext == "Development/Local"'
  • enable activates the Pseudo-CDN
  • maxConnectionsPerDomain defines how many resources are loaded from a subdomain.
  • maxSubdomains defines how many sudomains there should be. If the value is set to 10 the subdomains to are used.
  • search allows to override the regular expression for searching/replacing paths to static content
  • ignoreIfContains allows to specify exclusion criteria for the pseudoCDN. Especially JS files should be excluded here (cross-domain issues)

Please note: The variants only work with the enable-attribute

For a default-setup it is sufficient to set

    enable: true

3. Inline Critical CSS (Above-The-Fold)

3.1 Description

To increase the loading speed of your website, so-called critical CSS (above the fold) can be stored in a separate file. This critical CSS is then written inline into the HTML of the website, while the rest of the CSS (which is included via page.includeCSS) is added in such a way that it does not block the rendering of the page (as is otherwise usual).

The critical CSS can be specified per

  • url-path (filesForPath): You can define regular expressions defining the url-path for your critical CSS
  • page-uid (filesForPage): You can define lists of pids for your critical CSS
  • frontend-layout (filesForLayout): We use the fields 'backend_layout' and 'backend_layout_next_level' from the pages-table here.


  • The definintion-sets take action in the above order. So, if you define a rule by url-path it takes precedence over a rule by page-uid or frontend-layout.
  • The rules for filesForPath and filesForPage are processed in the order of their definition. If a rule in these sets matches, the rules later on in this set are ignored.

If no critical CSS is specified, the CSS files are included normally.

3.2 Settings

IMPORTANT: Since TYPO3 v10 the configuration is no longer possible via TypoScript because it is now implemented as Middleware. It is now possible to configure it via your site-configuration (YAML) instead.

    enable: true
    layoutField: backend_layout
    layoutFieldNextLevel: backend_layout_next_level
        enable: false
      condition: 'applicationContext == "Development/Local"'
  • enable activates the critical CSS inclusion
  • layoutField sets the field in page-properties which is used to determine the defined layout of the current page for including the correct css-files. The default value is "backend_layout". If you don't use another field you can omit this setting. If you use your own property, make sure it is added as rootline-field.
  • layoutFieldNextLevel sets the field in page-properties which is used to determine the defined layout of the subpages for including the correct css-files. The default value is "backend_layout_next_level". If you don't use another field you can omit this setting. If you use your own property, make sure it is added as rootline-field.
  • filesForLayout contains the keys and CSS-files that are to be included if the layout of the page matches the defined key. The keys are the values set in the defined layoutField- / layoutFieldNextLevel-property of the page ("pagets__"-prefix is removed). If there is no match, no file will be included. The example above would include the files criticalOne.css and criticalTwo.css on a page on which the backendLayout-property is set to "pagets__home".
  • filesToRemoveWhenActive defines files that will be removed from page.includeCss if criticalCSS is activated and working on the current page

Please note: The variants only work with the enable-attribute.

If the pageType 1715339215 or the GET-Param no_critical_css=1 is used critical css is disabled. This is helpful for rendering the critical css e.g. via NPM critical.

4. Proxy Caching e.g. with Varnish

IMPORTANT: If you work with proxyCaching you definitivly need an extension that handles the purging of its cache if changes happen to your content. I strongly recommend sopsone-ch/varnish

4.1 Description

This extension allows an extended setup with a proxy-cache like e.g. Varnish. By default pages are excluded from proxy-caching if a frontend cookie is set. This is to prevent personal data from being cached and thus becoming visible to strangers.

Conversely, however, this means that proxy-caching is completely disabled for logged-in front-end users, so that they can no longer benefit from the performance improvement provided by a proxy-cache for the entire page. To avoid this, this extension provides a field "Allow Proxy-Caching" in the page properties in the backend. This has the following options:

  • Inherit: Inherits the settings from the page rootline
  • Deactivate: Completely deactivates the ProxyCache for this page (and its subpages if applicable). This setting is useful e.g. for time-controlled plugins on the page
  • Activate: Enables the ProxyCache explicitly even if a frontend cookie is set. This allows pages to be served from the Varnish cache even if a user is logged in. This should only be activated for pages that do not contain personal data.

The values of the fields are inherited down the page-tree and result in a HTTP-Header which is added:

X-Typo3-Proxycaching: 1

4.2 xkeys sopsone-ch/varnish

The madj2k/t3-accelerator normally add a second HTTP-Header which contains a unique tag (HMAC-Key) for the whole website and another one for the current page. They can be used for clearing the proxy-cache selectively based on tags.

xkey: 3ade06b8b96caba9c1717382f6dff9c7f049295e 2cbded6f9c51a25bc9f41b76e6834ea173066908

However, newer versions of sopsone-ch/varnish already implement xkey, so that if you activate it in sopsone-ch/varnish, the madj2k/t3-accelerator will not send xkeys any more.

4.3 Hetzner Managed Server Varnish

Hetzner recently implemented an own Varnish-Setup for their Managed Servers. They already use xkey with PURGE, but the header for the purge with xkey has to be x-xkey-purge in order to selectively purge the cache. However sopsone-ch/varnish uses xkey-purge as header. The madj2k/t3-accelerator fixes this if you set proxyCachingMode to hetzner in the extension-settings.

4.4 Example-Configuration for usage with Varnish Proxy-Cache

The proxy-caching setup only works if the appropriate settings are made in the proxy cache configuration. Since proxy-cache configurations are very individual, only the relevant lines that control the behavior of the proxy-cache according to the above specifications are listed here. The following configuration example assumes that madj2k/t3-accelerator is used together with opsone-ch/varnish.

# Varnish file by Steffen Kroggel (
# Version 1.0.5
# Date 2020/11/05

# Marker to tell the VCL compiler that this VCL has been adapted to the
# new 4.0 format.
vcl 4.0;
import std;
import xkey;

# Sub-routine when request is received
sub vcl_recv {
    # Happens before we check if we have this in cache already.
    # Typically you clean up the request here, removing cookies you don't need,
    # rewriting the request, etc.


    # Set X-Forwarded-For Header
    if (req.restarts == 0) {

        if (req.http.X-Forwarded-For) {
            set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = req.http.X-Forwarded-For + ", " + client.ip;
        } else {
            set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;

    # Catch BAN Command for TYPO3 extension "Varnish"
    # This bans specific cache objects from cache
    if (
        (req.method == "BAN")
        || (req.method == "PURGE")
    ) {

        # Check if  IP is allowed to BAN/Purge
        if (req.http.X-Forwarded-For ~ "^") {
            return(synth(405,"Not allowed. IP: " + req.http.X-Forwarded-For));

        # Check if one single page of an instance is to be invalidated
        if (req.http.Varnish-Ban-TYPO3-Pid && req.http.Varnish-Ban-TYPO3-Sitename) {
            set req.http.n-gone = xkey.softpurge(req.http.Varnish-Ban-TYPO3-Sitename + "_" + req.http.Varnish-Ban-TYPO3-Pid);
            return (synth(200, "Softpurge. Invalidated " + req.http.n-gone + " objects with " + req.http.Varnish-Ban-TYPO3-Sitename + "_" + req.http.Varnish-Ban-TYPO3-Pid));

        # Check if all pages of an instance are to be invalidated
        } else if (req.http.Varnish-Ban-TYPO3-Sitename) {
            set req.http.n-gone = xkey.softpurge(req.http.Varnish-Ban-TYPO3-Sitename);
            return (synth(200, "Softpurge. Invalidated " + req.http.n-gone + " objects with " + req.http.Varnish-Ban-TYPO3-Sitename));

        # Fallback with minimum impact
        } else {
            ban(" == " + + " && req.url == " + req.url);
            return(synth(200,"Ban. Banned " + + req.url));


    # Do not cache authorized content (login via htaccess)
    if (req.http.Authorization) {
        return (pass);

    # Force lookup if the request is a no-cache request from the client (STRG + F5)
    if (req.http.Cache-Control ~ "no-cache") {
        return (pass);

    # Do not cache image files, pdfs, xls, docs, zips, etc. This fills up the cache to fast
    # and it keeps WebP-optimization on apache side from working
    if (req.url ~ "(?i)\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif|ico|webp|txt|pdf|gz|zip|doc|docx|ppt|pptx|xls|xlsx)$") {
        return (pass);

    # Do not cache TYPO3 BE User requests
    if (req.http.Cookie ~ "be_typo_user" || req.url ~ "^/typo3/") {
        return (pass);

    # Do not cache non-cached pages or specific page types and params
    # We also ignore some RealUrl-coded params from extensions
    if (
        (req.url ~ "^/nc/?")
        || (req.url ~ "$/gitpull.php")
        || (req.url ~ "(\?|&)type=")
        || (req.url ~ "(\?|&)typeNum=")
        || (req.url ~ "(\?|&)no_cache=1")
        || (req.url ~ "(\?|&)no_varnish=1")
        || (req.url ~ "(\?|&)eID=")
        || (req.url ~ "(\?|&)cHash=")
        || (req.url ~ "/tx-[a-z-]+/")
        || (req.url ~ "/pagetype-[a-z-]+/")
        || (req.url ~ "^/phpmyadmin/?")
    ) {
        return (pass);

    # unset grace-header from request
    unset req.http.grace;

    # Removes all cookies named __utm? (utma, utmb...) and __unam - tracking thing
    # Otherwise we might run into problems with caching
    set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "(^|(?<=; )) *__utm.=[^;]+;? *", "\1"); # Google Analytics
    set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "(^|(?<=; )) *__unam=[^;]+;? *", "\1"); # Google Analytics
    set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "(^|(?<=; )) *_et_coid=[^;]+;? *", "\1"); # eTracker
    set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "(^|(?<=; )) *isSdEnabled=[^;]+;? *", "\1"); # perso-net shit
    set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "(^|(?<=; )) *cookie_optin=[^;]+;? *", "\1"); # Cookie-Opt-In
    if (req.http.Cookie == "") {
        unset req.http.Cookie;


# Sub-routine after data from backend is received and before it is cached
sub vcl_backend_response {
    # Happens after we have read the response headers from the backend.
    # Here you clean the response headers, removing silly Set-Cookie headers
    # and other mistakes your backend does.

    # Set TTL and grace
    set beresp.ttl = 1w;
    set beresp.grace = 3d;


    # Only cache objects that are requested with frontend-cookies if ProxyCaching is set to 1
    if (
        && (! beresp.http.X-TYPO3-ProxyCaching == "1")
    ) {

        # Do not cache this object and do not keep decision
        set beresp.uncacheable = true;
        set beresp.ttl = 0s;
        set beresp.grace = 0s;
        return (deliver);

    # Check for some things in the response-header that indicate that we should not cache
    # e.g. we do NOT cache contents that are about to set a cookie
    # or where ProxyCaching is set to 2
    if (
        || (beresp.http.Vary == "*")
        || (beresp.http.Authorization)
        || (beresp.http.Pragma ~ "nocache")
        || (beresp.http.Cache-Control ~ "no-cache")
        || (beresp.http.X-TYPO3-ProxyCaching == "2")

        # TYPO3 uses "private" when INT-Scripts are used!
        # so we check for ProxyCaching variable in addition
        || (
            (beresp.http.Cache-Control ~ "private")
            && (! beresp.http.X-TYPO3-ProxyCaching == "1")
    ) {

        # Do not cache this object and do not keep the decision
        set beresp.uncacheable = true;
        set beresp.ttl = 0s;
        set beresp.grace = 0s;
        return (deliver);

    return (deliver);


# Sub-routine after object is loaded from cache
sub vcl_hit {


    # Based on the already cached object we check if there is login sensitive data allowed on the cached pages
    # If so, we pass to backend if a cookie is set
    if (
        (! obj.http.X-TYPO3-ProxyCaching == "1")
        && (req.http.Cookie)
        return (pass);


# Sub-routine before delivering final data
sub vcl_deliver {

    # Happens when we have all the pieces we need, and are about to send the
    # response to the client.
    # You can do accounting or modifying the final object here.


    # Remove cache control if it isn't needed
    if (resp.http.X-TYPO3-ProxyCaching ~ "1") {
	    unset resp.http.cache-control;


    # Remove entries related to Varnish-Extension and Accelerator
    unset resp.http.xtag;
    unset resp.http.X-TYPO3-ProxyCaching;


5. Reducing arrays and objects for efficient serialization and storage

In some use-cases you need to serialize arrays or objects in order to store them e.g. in the database. But especially objects can be very large and writing / reading them into / from the database is very inefficient. Not to mention the growing size of your database.

The MarkerReducer uses several techniques to reduce the amount of data you need to handle. It originates from the need to store an array of markers for usage in templates of emails that are to be sent later via a cronjob (thus the name). The array contained strings, but also large objects which I did not want to serialize without reducing them before.

It comes with two static functions:

  • public static function implode(array $marker): array - which takes your array and returns a reduced version of your array for storage
  • public static function explode(array $marker): array - which takes the reduced version of the array and returns the original version again

A special shout-out at this point to Christian Dilger, who created an advanced version of the MarkerReducer.

PLEASE NOTE: For backwards-compatibility per default the legacy-version of the MarkerReducer is used. To use the new, advanced version, go to Settings -> Extension Configuration and switch to the advanced version.

6. Cache API for your extension

  1. Activate it in your extension in ext_localconf.php by setting the frontend- and backend-cache.
$cacheIdentifier = \Madj2k\CoreExtended\Utility\GeneralUtility::underscore($extKey);
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations'][$cacheIdentifier] = [
    'frontend' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Frontend\VariableFrontend::class,
    'backend' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Backend\Typo3DatabaseBackend::class,
    'groups' => [
  1. Create own cache-class that extends AbstractCache-class
* Class SitemapCache
* @author Steffen Kroggel <>
* @copyright Steffen Kroggel
* @package Madj2k_CoreExtended
* @license GNU General Public License, version 3 or later
class SitemapCache extends \Madj2k\Accelerator\Cache\CacheAbstract

  1. Use it in your own controller like this. The example below builds a sitemap for several domains and caches it independently for each domain.
 * Class GoogleController
 * @author Steffen Kroggel <>
 * @copyright Steffen Kroggel
 * @package Madj2k_CoreExtended
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 3 or later
class GoogleController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController

     * pagesRepository
     * @var \Madj2k\CoreExtended\Domain\Repository\PagesRepository|null
    protected ?PagesRepository $pagesRepository = null;

     * action sitemap
     * @return string
     * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Exception\InvalidQueryException
     * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Exception\NoSuchCacheException
    public function sitemapAction(): string

        $cache = $this->getCache()->setEntryIdentifier(GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('HTTP_HOST'));
        if (!$sitemap = $cache->getContent()) {

            $currentPid = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id;
            $treeList = explode(

            $pages = $this->pagesRepository->findByUidListAndDokTypes($treeList);
            $this->view->assign('pages', $pages);
            $sitemap = $this->view->render();

            // flush caches

            // save results in cache

            $this->getLogger()->log(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogLevel::INFO, sprintf('Successfully rebuilt Google sitemap feed.'));
        } else {
            $this->getLogger()->log(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogLevel::INFO, sprintf('Successfully loaded Google sitemap from cache.'));

        return $sitemap;


     * Returns the cache object
     * @return \Madj2k\CoreExtended\Cache\SitemapCache
    protected function getCache(): SitemapCache
        $cache = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(SitemapCache::class);
        $cache->setIdentifier('my_extension'); // may differ if you have several caches in your extension
        return $cache;