
Generate human friendly codes

v0.2.0 2023-07-08 07:14 UTC


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Generate human friendly codes

Useful for referral codes, receipt codes, code references.


  • PHP >= 8.1

for PHP 7.4, use branch v0.1.4

for PHP 8.0, use branch v0.1.5


Install the package via composer:

composer require macmotp/codegen


Create semantic and sanitized reference codes from any string

use Macmotp\Codegen;

$generator = new Codegen();

echo $generator->generate('Bob McLovin');

// (string) 'BOMCLO'

echo $generator->generate('Company Name');

// (string) 'COMPNA'

Create collections of codes

use Macmotp\Codegen;

$generator = new Codegen();

for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
   echo $generator->generate('Bob McLovin');
// (string) 'BOMCLO'
// (string) 'BOMCLV'
// (string) 'BOMCLI'
// (string) 'BOMCLN'

// Or you can simply retrieve the codes directly within a collection:
echo $generator->collection('Bob McLovin', 4);

// (array) [
//    "BOMCLO",
//    "BOMCLV",
//    "BOMCLI",
//    "BOMCLN",
// ];

Once the possibilities are running low due to lack of letters from the source, it automatically applies random letters. Please note that this package does not guarantee uniqueness on its results.


Set configuration parameters

use Macmotp\Codegen;

$generator = new Codegen();

echo $generator->setCodeLength(10)
        ->generate('Company Name');
// (string) 'PRCOMPNAAP'

List of methods for configuration

  • setCodeLength(int $length): total length of the generated code;
  • prepend(string $prepend): prepend a string;
  • append(string $append): append a string;
  • setMaxAttempts(int $maxAttempts): set the maximum number of attempts;
  • sanitizeLevel(int $sanitizeLevel): read below;

Sanitize levels

Sometimes the purpose of human-readable codes is to avoid confusion while reading/spelling. Therefore, is possible to apply some filters to remove similar graphic letters/digits.

Choose between 3 different levels of sanitization

  • Level 1. Low/Default: will filter out anything is not a letter or a digit
  • Level 2. Medium: will filter out (O - 0 - Q - I - 1) characters
  • Level 3. High: will filter out (2 - Z - 4 - A - 5 - S - 8 - B - U - V - Y) characters

Levels are inclusive, e.g. the highest level will apply also filters of level low and medium

use Macmotp\Codegen;
use Macmotp\Codegen\Config\Config;

$generator = new Codegen();

echo $generator->sanitizeLevel(Config::SANITIZE_LEVEL_MEDIUM)
        ->generate('Bob McLovin');
// (string) 'BBMCLV'


composer test


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Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.