
This bundle provides a simple way to play with php Exceptions.

dev-master 2015-07-06 23:26 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 20:18:59 UTC


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Play with Exceptions :D This bundle help to get a low coupling between exception class object in your code


Exceptionizer uses Composer, please checkout the composer website for more information.

The simple following command will install exceptionizer-bundle into your project. It also add a new entry in your composer.json and update the composer.lock as well.

$ composer require 'mabs/exceptionizer-bundle'

Then, you can enable it in your kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        new Mabs\ExceptionizerBundle\MabsExceptionizerBundle(),


Now you can use Exceptionizer service to throw Exceptions:

->throwException('\\Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\NotFoundHttpException', array('Your message'));

OR define your Exception in your config.yml file like this :

            class: Mabs\BarCodeBundle\Exception\BarCodeException
            arguments:                          # optional
                message: "bar code exception"   # optional
                code:  0                        # optional

and pass the config key to the service:


Events and listener:

ExceptionizerBundle provide two events:

namespace Mabs\ExceptionizerBundle;

final class ExceptionizerEvents

    const EXCEPTIONIZER_PRE_THROW = 'exceptionizer.pre_throw';

    const EXCEPTIONIZER_POST_CATCH = 'exceptionizer.post_catch';

exceptionizer.pre_throw : before throw Exception

exceptionizer.post_catch: (will be documented later when we speak about the Exception Catcher)

Now you can create Listeners to do a specific job when an exception will be thrown ;) and to learn more about the EventDispatcher Component in symfony2 pleaze read the documentation


This bundle is available under the MIT license.