
The CSV code is converted into bootstrap html code

Installs: 52

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v2.0.0 2023-05-12 16:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 18:16:52 UTC


This extension extends automad to generate tables from simple csv file strings.


Param Description Values
rawText submit csv (separator is semicolumn) formated raw text use '#' as line break
hasHeader first row shall be formated as header row true|false
cssTableClass none or multiple css classes. the generic 'table' class must not be set, it is added automatically string
cssTheadClass none or multiple css classes. string


call the formatter from within your template: <@ LuRo/Csv2Html { rawText: rawText: @{ yourVariableCsvTextName }, hasHeader: @{ yourVariableHasHeaderName | def ('true') } } @>

Example Data

Header cell 1;Header cell 2;Header cell 3# Row1 celldata1;Row1 celldata2;Row1 celldata3#