luri / bddi
library to facilitate SQL Requests set with automatic prepared statements and automatic connexion.
- php: >=7.1
- luri/bddi-common: ~1.0-BETA1
- luri/bddi-driver: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- luri/bddi-mock-driver: ~1.0-BETA3
- phpunit/phpunit: ^7
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-20 22:54:44 UTC
BDD-I is a higw powerful and simple abstraction for database requests. It's simplify work with database :
- Automatic connection
- Automatic transaction
- Multiple databases / logins connexion supported
- Helpful getter for response
- Support array variable for IN() syntax
- Support Anonymous (?) and marqued parameter (:NAME) in prepared statement
Focus on your query!
Designed for simple use on small and medium website.
Table Of Contents
Via Composer :
$ composer require luri/bddi
You must add a low level driver, for example :
$ composer require luri/bddi-mysqli-driver
Warning : This project is in BETA. You must set "minimum-stability" proprieties at "beta" :
$ composer config minimum-stability beta
For execute phpunit test : (you must install project with dev dependance)
$ composer test
About this Lib
Four years ago, I start to help the rework on a small php fan-game (SWHologame). I quickly notice that their database code is complicated to use. I think to this more simply to use if Db classes is focus on Query and if database connexion is managed by this classes. I rewrite and adapt an old database access classes. Bdd-I v2 is born.
Last Year, I want to use this Db classes for some other project, But BDD-I v2 is an enormous monolitic classes, heavely intertwine with other specific SWHologame classes. So, I start to develop this rework : BDD-I v3.
For some project, I need to have a lib who can use some differents database but I don't want to loose my helper getter. I don't want to use PDO beacause (4-5 year ago) PDO-MYSQL don't support to use a same result multiple time.
I think the better think to do is separate high level logic than low level logic (adapter for php database extension). And this can allow someone to develop driver they want.
For classes organisation, I heavily inspired through php-http/httplug by Eric GELOEN, Márk Sági-Kazár :
graph TD;
subgraph "user Application"
U2(user DbConfig);
subgraph "Bdd-I"
D(Common Interfaces);
subgraph "Low level drivers"
G("LlSQLite (todo)");
subgraph "PHP extensions"
I(SQLite 3);
classDef BlackTxt stroke:#000,fill:#ccf;
class U1 BlackTxt;
class U2 BlackTxt;
class A BlackTxt;
class B BlackTxt;
class C BlackTxt;
class D BlackTxt;
class E BlackTxt;
class F BlackTxt;
class G BlackTxt;
class H BlackTxt;
class I BlackTxt;
Basic Usage
You must create your own DbConfig file, see bellow
For execute only one request, use Query class. For Example :
* `idsinger` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
* `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
* `nationality` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
* PRIMARY KEY (`idsinger`)
* INSERT INTO `singer` (`idsinger`, `name`, `nationality`) VALUES
* ('1', 'Bars and Melody', 'British'),
* ('2', 'Eddy De Pretto', 'French'),
* ('3', 'Greyson Chance', 'U.S.A.'),
* ('4', 'Troye Sivan', 'Australian'),
* ('5', 'Ronan Parke', 'British')
require_once 'DbConfig.php'; //See below "Configuration"
require_once 'libs/autoload.php'; //composer require
use Luri\BddI\Query;
//Simple example
$singer = new Query("<SINGER_LIST>", "SELECT name FROM singer");
foreach ($singer as $v) {
echo ' <li>' . htmlentities($v['name']) . "</li>\n";
unset($singer); //= free result
<h2>List of information about Ronan Parke (id:2)</h2>
//Fluent interface syntax
//Remember all variable is insecure ! You must use prepared statement if you use variable :
$id = 5; //probably a $_GET['xxx'] here. Think verify validy of your $_GET parameter
$infos = Query::factory('<INFO>')
->addReq('SELECT * FROM singer WHERE idsinger = :ID')
->addDatas([':ID' => $id])
->getLineNumber(); //this return the first line of the result
<p>Nom : <?php echo htmlentities($infos['name']); ?></p>
<p>Nationality : <?php echo htmlentities($infos['nationality']); ?></p>
For execute 2 or more Query at once, like a set of INSERT or UPDATE request, use the QuerySet class.
Weel, you must configure bdd account. This can be easy with include at top of your script you're own DbConfig.php.
Example of DbConfig.php :
namespace Luri\BddI {
* Configuration Class
abstract class DbConfig {
* Config of database
* Here, We have 3 accessible db with id trampo, gac and forum.
* trampo is the database 'test' in local server
* gac is the database 'gac' in local server
* forum is the dabase 'forum' in server
protected const DBCONFIG = [
'trampo' => [ //db id for use in you apps
'name' => 'test', //Db name in SQL server
'server' => 'local' //SQL server Id in SERVERCONFIG
'gac' => [ //db id for use in you apps
'name' => 'gac', //Db name in SQL server
'server' => 'local' //SQL server Id in SERVERCONFIG
'forum' => [ //db id for use in you apps
'name' => 'forum', //Db name in SQL server
'server' => 'db2' //SQL server Id in SERVERCONFIG
* Config of server
* Here, we have 2 configured server with id local and db2. This id must be used in DBCONFIG['xx']['server'] parameter (see overhead)
* You can also define 2 servers in same address but with different login.
protected const SERVERCONFIG = [
'local' => [ ////SQL server Id
'login' => 'root', //Login for this connexion (you MUST not use root)
'password' => 'root', //Password for this connexion (you MUST create a robust password)
'address' => '', //IP address for SQL server
'lowLevelDriver' => '\Luri\BddI\LowLevel\LlMysqli', //Name of low level driver class to use
'charset' => 'utf8' //Charset to use
'db2' => [ ////SQL server Id
'login' => 'root', //Login for this connexion (you MUST not use root)
'password' => 'root', //Password for this connexion (you MUST create a robust password)
'address' => '', //IP address for SQL server
'lowLevelDriver' => '\Luri\BddI\LowLevel\LlMysqli', //Name of low level driver class to use
'charset' => 'utf8' //Charset to use
* Default database
* This is the database used if no database id is passed to Query or QuerySet class.
* @var string
protected const DEFAULTDATABASE = 'trampo';
namespace {
// you're global code
Well, you can choose other name than DbConfig.php for file name. But don't change class name or namespage name.
Low level driver
- Mysqli driver
- Mock driver
Mysqli driver not use advanced feature than persistent connections. If you want, you can develop a new driver.
Why a mysqli driver and not a PDO driver ? When I create V2 many year ago, I compare PDO and Mysqli for my use (small database). With mysqli, I can use a same result several time but i can't use named placeholders. With PDO i can use named placeholders but i can't use a same result several time. So I choose to use mysqli and develop named placeholders support for mysqli.
Create a new low level driver
If you want add powerful capabilities think this must be simple to use and configure .
To be continued....
TODO list
before V1 :
- Define a set of exception
- Add Log support
- ay'a un troisième truc mais je ne sais plus
- Make documentation
TODO ;-)
I'm Luri form France (alps) and I'm develop in PHP since school and php 3. But PHP is my hobbie (like olympic trampoline, ski...) not my work. I don't have a lot of time to develop. Any help is welcome. If someone want take over this lib, write me, you're welcome.
Mail : Luri AT e DOT email If you know french, please use it. (Otherwise use english.)
BDD-I is distributed with term of CECILL-C licence : EN | FR
CECILL-C is a free software license recognised by Open Source Initiative (OSI). This licence is more protective than an L-GPL licence because is protected by French law. (French law not recognise software patent)