
This is a PHP wrapper composer library for accessing the Lucit Drive Digital Billboard Pull / Pingback Api for Lucit Layout

dev-master 2024-01-16 21:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-16 23:17:44 UTC


This library is deprecated and no longer maintained.

Please migrate to V3 of the Lucit api


Legacy Information

The following is left here for legacy installs

Lucit Layout Drive Api

This is a sample PHP Composer Package which contains a small library for making requests to the V1 Lucit Drive api for export pulls and pingbacks.

The full documentation for the Lucit Drive API is located at :


Requires PHP and Composer - Requires a token to the Lucit Layout API


composer require lucit/lucit-layout-drive-api

What you will need to use this library

  • The full URL to the Lucit V1 Api - Currently this is :
  • A V1 Api Token (you will be provided this by Lucit)
  • An export id (you will be provided this by Lucit)
  • A LOCATION_ID / Digital Display Id (This is your internal ID that our campaign is scheduled to run on)

How to fetch a creative

use \Lucit\LucitDrive;


$ld = LucitDrive::Init( $LUCIT_DRIVE_URI,  $LUCIT_DRIVE_TOKEN );

$response = $ld->getItem($EXPORT_ID,$LOCATION_ID);

The following is a sample response

Please take note of the 2 critical data points needed for issuing us play status

  • lucit_layout_digital_board_id - The Lucit internal board id number that maps to your display\
  • creative_id the encoded creative id number for this specific image
    [location_id] => SC_MH_2
    [location_name] => 1414 S. Holloway St.
    [lucit_layout_digital_board_id] => 19303
    [item_count] => 6
    [item_total_weight] => 60
    [item_selected_index] => 5
    [items] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [creative_id] => C1-4C9D-LP-4PcU
                    [creative_datetime] => 2020-07-21T19:15:06+00:00
                    [id] => 51798
                    [object_class] => InventoryPhoto
                    [name] => 16914A 2012 Dodge Durango
                    [slug] => 16914a_2012_dodge_durango
                    [src] => https://theimagehost.home/the/path/1/318/img_5f13398aad2d4_d755bcb77855ce7ef665.png
                    [hash] => "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
                    [hash_algo] => "md5"
                    [width] => 1856
                    [height] => 576
                    [weight] => 10
                    [pingback_url] =>${PLAY_DATETIME_UTC}&play_duration=${PLAY_DURATION_SECONDS}&api_token=${API_TOKEN}
                    [weight_pct] => 0.16666667



How to validate the image response

You can validate that the image is the expected image by comparing the hash of the image with your own calculated hash of the image file, using the algorithm specified in hash_algo

You can use our library to do this as follows

$ld = LucitDrive::Init( $LUCIT_DRIVE_URI,  $LUCIT_DRIVE_TOKEN );

$response = $ld->getItem($EXPORT_ID,$LOCATION_ID);

$item = $response["items"][0];

$imageIsValid = $ld->validateItemHash( $item );

if( !$imageIsValid )
    //Throw an exception

How to send playback statistics

You can send playback stats by usin the library, or, by forming your own request from the pingback-url element which appears in the pull result (See docs)

use \Lucit\LucitDrive;

$DATE_UTC_ISO8601 = "2020-06-28T18:42:26Z"; //UTC TIME

$CREATIVE_ID = GetTheCreativeIdFromLastPullResponse();      //This might be like `C1-4C94-IP-4Cu4`   `creative_id`
$DIGITAL_BOARD_ID = GetTheDigitalBoardIdIdFromLastPullResponse();      //This might be like `12345`  `lucit_layout_digital_board_id`

$ld = LucitDrive::Init( $LUCIT_DRIVE_URI,  $LUCIT_DRIVE_TOKEN );


If this is successful you will recieve an OK response

    [ok] => 1

Testing this composer library

If you wish to test using this library itself before including it in another application, or, just to use this library to test your provided credentials, export id, and display id

  1. Clone this repo to a local directory
  2. Run composer install
  3. Copy examples/.env.sample.php to examples/.env.php
  4. Update .env.php with the required settings
  5. Run the command php examples/example-pull.php and you should see valid output


All source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, the same license as for the Arcanist project.


Lucit is the company behind Layout : The application that connects big-ticket inventory applications (Automotive, Ag, Rec, Real Estate) to digital billboards, in real-time.

We stream inventory - direct, in real-time to digital billboards, anywhere.