
A simple approach to adding polymorphic files such as images to any Eloquent models in Laravel 9|10

1.4.1 2024-02-13 13:54 UTC


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Implementing a public-private filesystem structure to your Laravel application can be a hassle. But with "luchavez/simple-files", it's easy! This package is built with that in mind so that you can proceed with more important things in your project. It's perfect for Laravel applications that need to work with files. And the best part? It can process not only uploaded files but also Base64 strings and image URLs! Plus, it's especially effective on AWS S3 buckets. Try it out today and see how it can help you!

Check out the examples below to get a clearer picture.


Via Composer

$ composer require luchavez/simple-files:^1.0.0

Setting Up

  1. Add the HasFilesTrait trait to all the Eloquent models that can own files.

  2. Run the migrations to add the files and fileables tables.

  3. Add these variables to .env file if you want to override the default values.

Variable Name Default Value
SF_FILESYSTEM_DISK config('filesystems.default')



The package provides a service called SimpleFiles which you can use by calling its helper functions:

  1. simpleFiles()
  2. simple_files()

Here's the list of its available methods.

Method Name Return Type Description
getFileSystemDisk string gets the filesystem disk
getDisk string shortcut for getFileSystemDisk method
getExpireAfterUnit string gets the time unit for temporary URL expiration
getExpireAfterValue string gets the time value for temporary URL expiration
getExpireAfter Illuminate\Support\Carbon gets the Carbon equivalent of getExpireAfterUnit() and getExpireAfterValue()
getPublicDirectory string gets the specified public directory
getPrivateDirectory string gets the specified private directory
shouldOverwriteOnExists bool decides whether to overwrite or not when it already exists
getFileSystemAdapter Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Filesystem gets the filesystem adapter
getAdapter Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Filesystem shortcut for getFileSystemAdapter method
getPublicAdapter Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Filesystem uses getFileSystemAdapter method with $is_public to true
getPrivateAdapter Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Filesystem uses getFileSystemAdapter method with $is_public to false
store Luchavez\SimpleFiles\Models\File or Collection or null stores file/s to specified public or private directory
storePublicly Luchavez\SimpleFiles\Models\File or Collection or null uses store() method with $is_public to true
storePrivately Luchavez\SimpleFiles\Models\File or Collection or null uses store() method with $is_public to false
getContentsFromURL string or null gets contents by using file_get_contents()
getContentsFromBase64 string or null gets contents by using base64_decode()
getFiles array gets files list from specified public or private directory
getPublicFiles array uses getFiles() method with $is_public to true
getPrivateFiles array uses getFiles() method with $is_public to false
getFile string or null gets file contents
getFilePublicly string or null uses getFile() method with $is_public to true
getFilePrivately string or null uses getFile() method with $is_public to false
putFile string or null uploads file to specified public or private directory
putFilePublicly string or null uses putFile() method with $is_public to true
putFilePrivately string or null uses putFile() method with $is_public to false
putFileAs string or null uploads file to specified public or private directory
putFilePubliclyAs string or null uses putFileAs() method with $is_public to true
putFilePrivatelyAs string or null uses putFileAs() method with $is_public to false
exists bool checks if file exists on specified public or private directory
existsPublicly bool uses exists() method with $is_public to true
existsPrivately bool uses exists() method with $is_public to false
delete bool deletes file/s from specified public or private directory
deletePublicly bool uses delete() method with $is_public to true
deletePrivately bool uses delete() method with $is_public to false
getDirectories array gets files list from specified public or private directory
getPublicDirectories array uses getDirectories() method with $is_public to true
getPrivateDirectories array uses getDirectories() method with $is_public to false
deleteFiles bool deletes files from specified public or private directory
deletePublicFiles bool uses deleteFiles() method with $is_public to true
deletePrivateFiles bool uses deleteFiles() method with $is_public to false
relateFileModelTo void dynamically build relationship from any model to the File model
generateUrl void create a new url or temporary url to a Luchavez\SimpleFiles\Models\File instance


The package also provides HasFilesTrait which you can use on Eloquent models that you want to have files or images.

  • If a User model needs profile pictures...
use Luchavez\SimpleFiles\Traits\HasFilesTrait;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasFactory, Notifiable, HasFilesTrait;
  • Or, if a Company model needs logos...
use Luchavez\SimpleFiles\Traits\HasFilesTrait;

class Company extends Model
    use HasFactory, HasFilesTrait;
  • Or, if a Food model needs some Instagram-worthy images...
use Luchavez\SimpleFiles\Traits\HasFilesTrait;

class Food extends Model
    use HasFactory, HasFilesTrait;

Here's the list of methods that will be added to Eloquent models.

Method Name Return Type Description
files Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphToMany gets all files
images Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphToMany gets all image files
nonImages Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphToMany gets all non-image files
fileables Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany gets all fileables
fileable Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphOne gets latest fileable
imageables Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany gets all imageables
imageable Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphOne gets latest imageable
nonImageables Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany gets all non-imageables
nonImageable Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphOne gets latest non-imageable
attachFiles void attaches file/s to model
attachPublicFiles void attaches file/s to model
attachPrivateFiles void attaches file/s to model
syncFiles void syncs file/s to model
syncPublicFiles void syncs file/s to model
syncPrivateFiles void syncs file/s to model
detachFiles void detaches file/s to model
detachPublicFiles void detaches file/s to model
detachPrivateFiles void detaches file/s to model


Note: In case you did not specify the user who uploaded the file, it will try to get the authenticated user via auth()->user().

Here are the .env variables used in this example:


Uploading files

Let's start first by creating a public route /api/files. Use storePublicly() and storePrivately() methods of simpleFiles() global helper function to store the files on public/dev/dummy and private/dev/dummy directories respectively.

  • Using storePublicly() with $request->user() as uploader.
Route::post('/files', function (Request $request) {
    $file = $request->file;
    $user = $request->user();
    return simpleFiles()->storePublicly(file: $file, user: $user)->toArray();
  • Using storePrivately() with $request->user() as uploader.
Route::post('/files', function (Request $request) {
    $file = $request->file;
    $user = $request->user();
    return simpleFiles()->storePrivately(file: $file, user: $user)->toArray();

Once that is set up, we can use Postman to upload files to the route above.

  • Here's an example of normal FormData file upload using storePublicly().


  • Here's an example of normal FormData file upload using storePrivately().


  • Here's an example of Base64 encoded file upload using storePublicly().


  • Here's an example of Base64 encoded file upload using storePrivately().


  • Here's an example of file upload from URL using storePublicly().


  • Here's an example of file upload from URL using storePrivately().


Note: If you will open an expired url, you'll receive a Request has expired error.


Attaching files

To attach an uploaded file to a model, use the attachFiles() method from HasFilesTrait.

  • If a User model needs profile pictures...
Route::post('upload-files', function (Request $request) {
    $user = \App\Models\User::query()->first();
    $for_upload = $request->file;
    // You can attach like this...
    $file = simpleFiles()->storePublicly(file: $for_upload);
    $user->attachFiles(file: $file);
    // Or using a one-liner...
    $user->attachPublicFiles(file: $for_upload)
    return simpleResponse()->message('Successfully attached files.')->generate();
  • Or, if a Company model needs logos...
Route::post('upload-files', function (Request $request) {
    $company = \App\Models\Company::query()->first();
    $for_upload = $request->file;
    // You can attach like this...
    $file = simpleFiles()->storePublicly(file: $for_upload);
    $company->attachFiles(file: $file);
    // Or using a one-liner...
    $company->attachPublicFiles(file: $for_upload)
    return simpleResponse()->message('Successfully attached files.')->generate();
  • Or, if a Food model needs some Instagram-worthy images...
Route::post('upload-files', function (Request $request) {
    $food = \App\Models\Food::query()->first();
    $for_upload = $request->file;
    // You can attach like this...
    $file = simpleFiles()->storePublicly(file: $for_upload);
    $food->attachFiles(file: $file);
    // Or using a one-liner...
    $food->attachPublicFiles(file: $for_upload)
    return simpleResponse()->message('Successfully attached files.')->generate();

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see for details and a todolist.


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MIT. Please see the license file for more information.