
Wrapper for openzipkin/zipkin

1.0.0 2019-03-20 22:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 19:52:33 UTC


Wrapper for Laravel and Lumen using php-zipking

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Getting Started

In .env you should set


Lumen Setup

edit app.php


if you want to use the middleware to auto track requests add to $app->middleware([]);


    'tracing' => \Giardina\LaraZipkin\Middleware\LaraZipkinLumenMiddleware::class,

Laravel Setup

edit app.php

'providers' => [

if you want to use the middleware to auto track requests edit Kernel.php

protected $middleware = [
protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'tracing' => \Giardina\LaraZipkin\Middleware\LaraZipkinLaravelMiddleware::class

LaraZipkinTerminateMiddleware send spans to Zipkin after the response is sent (so it doesn't affect performances)

the Middleware tracks the requests trying to create low cardinality span (ex /route/{param}/and/{id})

I suggest you to give names to the routes so you will never have a problem!

N.B. if you are going to use the Middleware to create the main span and want to track the other middlewares using the LaraZipkinClient object I suggest you to add the middleware that creates the main span into the protected $middlewarePriority array:

Using the ZipkinClient object

The LaraZipkinServiceProvider creates into the app container an object:




This method allows you to create a main span. By default the Middleware creates a span named with the route name or with the route pattern (ex. /your/route/66) or if there is no route name nor route pattern it will use the request url.

Use this method only if you want to create a new main span and change the context or if you are not going to use the Middleware.

public function getNextSpan( $name = 'no-name', $kind = 'SERVER', $headers = null ) : Span


This method will create a child span into the main span named $spanName of the kind $kind if $spanName doesn't exists already. If $method is set it adds an annotation into the childspan: "$method . '_starts'"

app('ZipkinClient')->track($spanName, $method, $kind = 'PRODUCER');


This method will finish the span named $spanName. If $method is set it adds an annotation into the childspan: $method . '_starts'

app('ZipkinClient')->finishTrack($spanName, $method = null);


This method will create a child span into the span named $spanName of the kind $kind. The name for the new child span will be $callName and it will add a note $callName . '_starts' to the child span If $method is set it adds an annotation into the childspan: "$method . '_starts'"

app('ZipkinClient')->trackCall($spanName, $callName = null, $kind = 'CONSUMER');


This method will finish the span named $callName into $spanName.

app('ZipkinClient')->trackEndCall($spanName, $callName);


This method allows to add a tag to the main span in order to search by tag

public function tagBy($name, $value)


It's possible to use the core object itself as detailed at using the method public function getTracer() : Tracer

The Middleware add Tags in the main span for:

app('ZipkinClient')->tagBy('x.forwarded.for', $request->ip());
app('ZipkinClient')->tagBy(Tags\HTTP_ROUTE, $request->fullUrl());
app('ZipkinClient')->tagBy(Tags\HTTP_METHOD, $request->method());
app('ZipkinClient')->tagBy('http.request', json_encode($request->all()));

app('ZipkinClient')->tagBy(Tags\HTTP_STATUS_CODE, $response->status());


Tracking another Middleware

 * Handle an incoming request.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
 * @param  \Closure  $next
 * @param  string|null  $guard
 * @return mixed
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
    app('ZipkinClient')->track('Authenticate', 'handle');


    app('ZipkinClient')->finishTrack('Authenticate', 'handle');

    return $next($request);

Tracking third party

class Foo extends Bar
   public function foo()
       app('ZipkinClient')->track('Foo', __FUNCTION__);


       app('ZipkinClient')->trackCall('Foo', 'third_party->call');
       app('ZipkinClient')->trackEndCall('Foo', 'third_party->call');


Send propagation headers via Guzzle request

$client = new Client();
$res = $client->request('GET', '', [
   'headers' => [
       'X-B3-TraceId' => (string) app('ZipkinClient')->getTraceId(),
       'X-B3-SpanId' => (string) app('ZipkinClient')->getTraceSpanId(),
       'X-B3-ParentId' => (string) app('ZipkinClient')->getTraceSpanId(),
       'X-B3-Sampled' => app('ZipkinClient')->isSampled()