
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

Helps to build a standard form with any amount of elements, specify their values, labels or specific parameters

dev-master 2020-10-27 11:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 00:58:39 UTC


Package helps to build object-oriented structure for web form. It gives more control under the form data from the Controller side and makes View blade files more cleaner and readable. Within package and be created different types of web form elements, developer has full control over each element and can specify label, name, value, class and any other custom parameters. Additionally form elements can be combined in the group with full control over this block.


This package is private and stored only on the internal server. To reach this server you should add to your composer.json following block:

"repositories": [{
  "type": "composer",
  "url": "https://packages.home"

To install package you can run following command from the terminal:

composer require lubart/form

Composer will ask login and password to authorize on the https://packages.home server.

If you are using Laravel v5.5 or higher, package will be automatically recognized and no action is needed, for Laravel versions v5.1 - v5.4 package should be additionally registered in the providers section in the config/app.php file:

'provider' => [


After installation new form can be created in any class as follow:

// IndexController.php

use Lubart\Form\Form;
use Lubart\Form\FormElement;
use Lubart\Form\FormGroup;


public functoin form(){
    $form = new Form();
    $form->add(FormElement::text(['name'=>'login', 'label'=>'Login']));
    // or alternatively
    $passwordElement = FormElement::password(['name'=>'password']);
    return view('form')->with(['form'=>$form]); 

and then in the view file:

{!! $form->render() !!}

View Customization

Package generates form elements based on laravelcollective/html package, but view files can be published from the package and customized to use any other web form template or clean HTML. To publish package sources run from the terminal;

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lubart-form-view

This will publish all view files to the /resources/views/lubart-form directory. To use custom set of the view files, change form view environment:

$form = new Form();


In that example main form blade file should be found at resources/views/partial/form.blade.php

Styles publishing

Package styles can be published from the package as follow:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lubart-form-style

This will publish compiled lubart-form_styles.css CSS file to the /public/css directory and SASS project to the /resources/sass/lubart-form directory.