
Repository module for model-based data access, for use with the Anax framework.

1.1.0 2017-10-23 15:28 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-14 02:24:10 UTC


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Repository module for the modular Anax framework, providing model-based data access through a consistent interface. As of now the included implementation works with relational databases only.

This module is intended as a replacement for the existing ActiveRecordModel in anax/database, offering a better semantic fit for the underlying data source while also being easier to manage and test, especially from a dependency injection standpoint.

The module also offers automatic soft-deletion capabilities available on demand.


  • PHP 5.6+
  • anax/database 1.1.0+ (1.1.6+ for included tests)


To use this module in an Anax installation, install it with composer require lrc-se/anax-repository. The module as such requires no configuration, but expects an instance of a properly configured DatabaseQueryBuilder from anax/database to perform the actual database operations.


Implementation of RepositoryInterface. Construction parameters:

$db,            // Anax database service (query builder)
$table,         // Name of the database table the repository represents
$modelClass,    // Name of the model class representing each repository entry
$key            // Name of the primary key column (optional, defaults to 'id')


// setup
$db = (new \Anax\Database\DatabaseQueryBuilder())->configure('db.php');
$books = new \LRC\Repository\DbRepository($db, 'book', Book::class);

// count entries
echo $books->count();

// retrieve entries
$allBooks = $books->getAll();
$firstBook = $books->getFirst();
$book = $books->find('id', 2);

// update entry
$book->title .= ' (2nd revision)';
$book->published = date('Y');

// delete entry
$book2 = $books->find('id', 2);
var_dump($book->id);    // null
var_dump($book2);       // false (standard "no result" return value from PDO)

// re-insert entry
var_dump($book->id);    // higher than 2 since the entry was re-inserted, not updated

// use criteria and query options
$filteredBook = $books->getFirst('published < 2000', [], ['order' => 'published DESC']);
$match = 'Tolkien';
$filteredBooks = $books->getAll(
    'author LIKE ?',
        'order' => 'title',
        'limit' => 5,
        'offset' => 2

Refer to RepositoryInterface for a full description of the main API.


Implementation of SoftRepositoryInterface, adding soft-deletion awareness. Construction parameters:

$db,            // Anax database service (query builder)
$table,         // Name of the database table the repository represents
$modelClass,    // Name of the model class representing each repository entry
$deleted,       // Name of the attribute used to flag deletion (optional, defaults to 'deleted')
$key            // Name of the primary key column (optional, defaults to 'id')


// setup
$db = (new \Anax\Database\DatabaseQueryBuilder())->configure('db.php');
$books = new \LRC\Repository\SoftDbRepository($db, 'book', Book::class);

// count non-deleted entries
echo $books->countSoft();

// retrieve non-deleted entries
$allBooks = $books->getAllSoft();
$firstBook = $books->getFirstSoft();
$book = $books->findSoft('id', 3);

// soft-delete entry
$book2 = $books->findSoft('id', 3);
var_dump($book->id);        // still 3
var_dump($book->deleted);   // timestamp
var_dump($book2);           // false (standard "no result" return value from PDO)

// restore soft-deleted entry
var_dump($book->deleted);   // null

Refer to SoftRepositoryInterface for a full description of the extended API.


Note: This feature is deprecated in favor of managed repositories explained below.

Include in model class to get access to foreign key reference resolution. Method invocation:

    $repository,        // Repository to query
    $attr,              // Name of the foreign key attribute
    $key                // Name of the referenced attribute (optional, defaults to 'id')

This method returns null if no matching referenced entry can be found.


// model class
class Review
    use \LRC\Repository\ReferenceResolverTrait;
    /* ... */

// setup
$db = (new \Anax\Database\DatabaseQueryBuilder())->configure('db.php');
$books = new \LRC\Repository\DbRepository($db, 'book', Book::class);
$reviews = new \LRC\Repository\DbRepository($db, 'review', Review::class);

// retrieve referenced entry
$review = $reviews->find('id', 1);
$book = $review->getReference($books, 'bookId');


Note: This feature is deprecated in favor of managed repositories explained below.

Include in model class to get access to foreign key reference resolution, taking soft-deletion into account. Method invocation:

    $repository,        // Soft-deletion-aware repository to query
    $attr,              // Name of the foreign key attribute
    $key                // Name of the referenced attribute (optional, defaults to 'id')

This method returns null if no matching non-deleted referenced entry can be found.


// model class
class Review
    use \LRC\Repository\SoftReferenceResolverTrait;
    /* ... */

// setup
$db = (new \Anax\Database\DatabaseQueryBuilder())->configure('db.php');
$books = new \LRC\Repository\SoftDbRepository($db, 'book', Book::class);
$reviews = new \LRC\Repository\DbRepository($db, 'review', Review::class);

// retrieve non-deleted referenced entry
$review = $reviews->find('id', 1);
$book = $review->getReferenceSoft($books, 'bookId');


Manages repositories in an application, allowing for fully automatic reference resolution based on model classes. The keys in the config array for createRepository() are the same as the construction parameters for the repository implementations above, save for db which is the database service and type which specifies which repository class to instantiate; currently supported values are "db" for DbRepository or "db-soft" for SoftDbRepository (the latter is the default). Also note that the model class remains a separate parameter.


$db = (new \Anax\Database\DatabaseQueryBuilder())->configure('db.php');
$manager = new \LRC\Repository\RepositoryManager();

// managed creation
$books = $manager->createRepository(Book::class, [
    'db' => $db,
    'type' => 'db-soft',
    'table' => 'book'

// manual addition
$reviews = new \LRC\Repository\DbRepository($db, 'review', Review::class);


This base class uses ManagedRepositoryTrait to provide fully automatic foreign-key resolution together with the repository manager above and the managed models below. Immediate retrieval goes one level deep per reference, after which on-demand fetching has to be used. DbRepository and SoftDbRepository inherit from this class and implement all necessary functionality to take advantage of the reference system laid out in the next section.


Provides fully automatic foreign-key resolution together with RepositoryManager and ManagedRepository above. Use the following parameter format for setReferences() to declare foreign references:

    'name' => [         // reference name
        'attribute',    // foreign key attribute
        'model',        // model class of referenced entity
        'key',          // primary key of referenced entity (defaults to 'id')
        'magic'         // whether to make the reference available as a magic model attribute


class Review implements \LRC\Repository\SoftManagedModelInterface
    use \LRC\Repository\SoftManagedModelTrait;
    public function __construct()
            'book' => [
                'attribute' => 'bookId',
                'model' => Book::class,
                'magic' => true
    /* ... */

/* using the managed repositories created above */

// fetch reference on demand
$review = $reviews->find(null, 1);      // default primary key
$book = $review->getReference('book');  // explicit resolution
$book2 = $review->book;                 // magic resolution
var_dump($book);                        // <Book> model instance
var_dump($book2);                       // same as $book

// fetch reference on demand, taking soft-deletion into account
// (magic resolution always ignores soft-deletion)
$book3 = $review->getReferenceSoft('book');

// fetch references together with main entity
// (always creates true public attributes, which are skipped when saving the model back)
$review = $reviews->fetchReferences()->find(null, 1);
$book4 = $review->book;
var_dump($book4);       // same as $book and $book2, stored in <Review> object

// fetch named references together with main entity,
// taking soft-deletion into account for both
$allReviews = $reviews->fetchReferences(['book'], true)->getAllSoft();
foreach ($allReviews as $review) {
    var_dump($review->book);    // <Book> model instance stored in <Review> object,
                                // or null if the reference has been soft-deleted


The module anax/configure is not a dependency of this module per se, but it is required by DatabaseQueryBuilder and is therefore included in the require-dev section of composer.json in order for the unit tests to work. Also note that before v1.1.6 of anax/database this requirement was for anax/common instead.

Additionally, anax/database is not actually required as such, only a corresponding implementation of its DatabaseQueryBuilder class providing the same public API, but it has been included as a dependency for simplicity's sake.


Type: School project @BTH
License: MIT
Author: LRC