
Simple fluent float manipulation library

v0.2.0 2020-12-23 19:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:49:37 UTC


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💯 Simple fluent float manipulation library.

Calc aims to provide tools for easy and readable calculations, without any dependency.
It comes with Number which is an immutable value object that enables fluent float manipulations.


If you ever worked with a codebase full of that kind of crap:

$result = round(($b != 0 ? ((1+$a)/$b) : $c)*0.25, 2)

I'm sure you will enjoy that:

$result = Number::of($b)
        fn($b) => $c
        fn($b) => Number::one()->plus($a)->divide($b),

You may think it's like brick/math, which is a really great package, but Calc serves a different purpose.
If floats are good enough for you - and unless you're dealing with sensible data like accounting or science, it should be - then using GMP or bcmath is overkill.

That's what Calc is made for, still using floats while enjoying nice readability. Another good point is that it handles floating point problems (e.g 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 // false) as much as possible, so you don't have to think about it each time (and if you are working with junior developers, it will save them from having problems they didn't even know existed!).


Via composer:

composer require louisgab/php-calc


Simple as:

use Louisgab\Calc\Number;


And good as :

public function carsNeeded(Number $people, Number $placesPerCar): int
    return $people->divide($placesPerCar)->round(0)->toInt();

Please see DOCS


composer test


  • Number
  • Fraction
  • Percentage


Please see CHANGELOG


Highly welcomed!


Please see The MIT License (MIT).