
Simple configuration loader

v1.0.1 2015-03-31 01:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-06 21:59:14 UTC


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Simple Config provides a convenient and classy way to load multiple configuration files from your configuration directory and it is inspired by Laravel 5 configuration loading (it actually use illuminate/config package for providing access to config data). It is mainly created to provide simple and powerful configuration loading for Slim Framework, but it can be used with any PHP application.


You can install it via composer by typing the following command in your terminal

composer require loshmis/simple-config

or you can include it to your composer.json file

"require": {
    "loshmis/simple-config": "~1.0"

Usage with Slim

If you want to use it with Slim PHP Framework, you can do it like this (I'm placing it in my index.php file where I instantiate my Slim application, but you can place it anywhere you want, just make sure that you have provided correct configuration path)


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new \Slim\Slim();

//path to your config directory
define('CONFIG_PATH', __DIR__ . '/config');

$app->container->singleton('config.loader', function($c) {
    return new \Loshmis\SimpleConfig\Loader (
        new Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder

$app->container->singleton('config', function($c) {
    return new \Loshmis\SimpleConfig\Config($c['config.loader']);

And you can then manipulate with your configuration the same way you do in Laravel 5 (and 4) application.

Let's assume that you have file called app.php inside your config directory and inside that file you have the following PHP code:


return [
    'name' => 'Test'

Now, if you want to get the value for name from that configuration file, you can do it like this

//get data
$appName = $app->config->get('app.name');

//set data
$app->config->set('app.name', 'Simple Config')

// to check if configuration parameter is set
$app->config->has('app.name') //will return true in this case

You can find all available methods by visiting Laravel API Documentation.

If you are interested in using illuminate/config package from Laravel 4, there are some great blog posts about that topic.

Helper method for Slim

If you want, you can create an helper function so you can easily manipulate with configuration data.

You can define the function like this (function is taken from Laravel's source code and slightly modified to be used with Slim framework):

function config($key = null, $default = null)
    $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    if (is_null($key)) return $app->config;

    if (is_array($key)) {
        return $app->config->set($key);

    return $app->config->get($key, $default);

Using the defined helper function, you can access to configuration data anywhere inside your application by simply calling

// to get some configuration data
$appName = config('app.name');

// to set some data
config(['app.name' => 'Simple Config'])

Usage without Slim PHP Framework

//path to your config directory
define('CONFIG_PATH', __DIR__ . '/config'); 

$loader = new \Loshmis\SimpleConfig\Loader (
    new Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder

$config = new \Loshmis\SimpleConfig\Config($loader);

After you instantiate Config class object, you can use it like this

//get data
$appName = $config->get('app.name');

//set data
$config->set('app.name', 'Simple Config')



Simple Config is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.